Job Costing Reports
Job Cost Analysis Reports
Job Cost Summary Reports
Job Cost Detail Listing
Change Order listing
Financial Status / Bonding Reports
Unit Price Reports
Job Listing
Job Totals by Classification
Cost Code Listing
Equipment Usage by Job
Universal Job Reports
There are nine different types of Job Costing Reports available. They are accessed through Reports on the Job Costing Main Menu.
Eleven Job Cost Analysis reports are produced by the accounting system. These reports use the data supplied by Payroll, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Purchase Order, and Accounts Receivable to produce accurate cost and quantity figures for each cost code on each job. Costs are analyzed with respect to quantity used and percent complete. Cost projections are calculated. These help management spot potential cost overruns and other problems. Multiple report formats are available including the Complete, User Defined, Budget Only, Cost Code List only, Costs vs. Budget, Job Manager, Committed Costs , Budget Revision Worksheet, Job Position, Comparison, Estimated vs. Actual, Paid vs. Unpaid Invoices, Cost vs. Revenue, Job Status Report, Trade Anlysis, Job Cost Sheet (A/P Costs), Job Cost Sheet by Code, Revised Estimates and Cost & Revenue by Billing Phase formats.
This program option is used to look at summary information by cost, income or a comparison of the two. There are four different types of reports. They may be either printed or viewed on-screen.
•Job Cost Summary By Cost Type
The Job Cost Summary By Cost Type report is a brief summary of each of the jobs. It gives one line of information on each job. This information includes the job name, number and cost-to-date figures for Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Equipment,Burden and General cost codes. These six figures are added together to give the total cost for the job. At the bottom of the report, each column is totaled for all jobs by labor, materials, etc.
Report Description: Job Cost Summary by Cost Type
Report Sample: Job Cost Summary by Cost Type
•Job Billing Income Summary
The Job Billing Income Summary report shows the original contract, current contract, amount billed, retention held, amount received and amount remaining on a job or contract.
Report Description: Job Billing Income Summary
Report Sample: Job Billing Income Summary
•Job Cost vs. Billing Summary
The Job Cost vs. Billing Summary includes summary cost and billing information.
Report Description: Cost vs Billing Summary
Report Sample: Cost vs Billing Summary
•Comprehensive Job Summary
The Comprehensive Job Summary is a one-page, all-inclusive summary of the job. This report features a Profitability summary, a Cash Position summary, an Earned vs. Billed summary and a Cost Breakdown by cost type.
Report Description: Comprehensive Job Summary
Report Sample: Comprehensive Job Summary
This program prints a list of all transactions made to cost codes or jobs. It may be printed or viewed on screen.
Report Description: Job Cost Detail Listing
Report Sample: Job Cost Detail Listing
This program is used to list the change orders contained in the Change Order File.
There are two reports possible.
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Financial Status / Bonding Reports
This program performs two separate functions. It allows the contract price and amount billed-to-date to be manually updated. These figures are critical to the bonding report and are not automatically maintained by the system if the Accounts Receivable or Change Order modules have not been purchased. The Bonding Report is also known as the Financial Status Report.
There are two different type of reports available.
This report is also referred to as the Productivity Report. It is an analysis of labor with respect to material. This means, for example, that a material cost code representing doors and a cost code representing the labor to install the doors will be combined to report the cost per hour, the cost per door, the number of hours per door (or doors per hour) and the total cost per installed door.
There are two different type of reports available.
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This program option is used to print a listing including different aspects of a job.
This report is used to run Job Cost totals by User-Defined Classifications.
This program is used to print a list of the codes in the Cost Code Dictionary.. The dictionary of codes is a useful reference when working with other modules in the system.
This report lists equipment usage that has been charged to jobs in detail or summary for a user-defined range of dates or fiscal periods.
This program will print a whole series of reports, including Summary, Analysis, Detail and Bonding reports, for a single job.