Job Cost Analysis Reports Menu

These Reports use the data supplied by Payroll, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Purchase Order and Accounts Receivable to produce accurate cost and quantity figures for each cost code on each job. Costs are analyzed with respect to quantity used and percent complete. Cost projections are calculated. These help management spot potential cost overruns and other problems. Multiple report formats are available.

Complete Job Cost Analysis
User Defined
 Budget Only
 Cost Code List Only
 Cost vs Budget Job Cost Analysis
 Job Manager Job Cost Analysis
 Committed Cost Analysis
Budget Revision Worksheet
 Job Position Report
 Comparison Job Cost Analysis
 Estimated vs Actual Job Cost Analysis
 Paid vs Unpaid Invoices
 Cost vs. Revenue
 Job Status
 Trade Analysis
 Job Cost Sheet (A/P Costs)
 Job Cost Sheet by Code
 Revised Estimates
 Cost & Revenue by Billing Phase

Choose the desired report by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

1. Complete format prints actual and estimated quantities; original, current and remaining budgets; the current costs to complete and the current completion variance.
 2. User Defined format allows the user to select which columns of information to include on the report.
3. Budget Only format creates a report showing only the cost codes with their respective bugets.
4. Cost Code List Only format creates a report showing just the budgeted costs codes and descriptions.
5. Costs vs. Budget format does not contain quantity amounts. The original and current budgets, control accounts, percent over and under budget and subcontractor name are included on this report format.
 6. Job Manager format does not contain budgets but does report estimated and actual quantities, cost-to-date and subcontractor’s name.
 7. Purchase Order format does not show quantities but does show percent complete, original and current budgets, actual, committed and total costs and remaining budget.
 8. Budget Revision format does not show quantities, but does show original and current budgets, actual cost, period-to-date cost and subcontractor name and number.
 9. Job Position format contains quantities, unit costs, estimated, earned and actual costs, current and projected variance and labor production.
 10. Comparison format contains percent complete, original and current cost estimates, the cost to complete and current variance, the actual cost-to-date, estimated completion cost and completion variance, the difference between the original and current budget and the current budget over/under amount.
 11. Estimated vs. Actual format includes percent complete, estimated quantity, per unit cost, actual quantity used, actual cost, balance to complete and man hours.
 12. Paid vs. Unpaid Invoices format differentiates between material costs which have been billed and material costs for which the invoices have been paid.
 13. Cost vs. Revenue format includes original budget, current budget, cost to date, revenue to date and profit.
 14. Job Status Report format Includes a listing of each cost code as well as a listing of all billing line items.
 15. Trade Analysis format includes a listing of each cost code, estimated costs, and committed costs.
 16. Job Cost Sheet (A/P Costs) format includes a listing of each job and the associated cost codes with original estimates, revisions, cost to date, and paid amounts.
 17. Job Cost Sheet by Code format lists each cost code budgeted amounts, each code billing, and the difference between the two.
 18.Revised Estimates format includes complete analysis with summaries
 Custom Burden Reporting This button will be activated only when Revised Estimates format is selected.
 19. Cost & Revenue by Billing Phase report shows all Costs and Revenue charged to a job, ordered by Billing Phase.