Financial Status / Bonding Reports
This program is used to automatically print the Contracts in Progress Financial Status Report. This report is often referred to as the Bonding Report. The system maintains the contract price, budgets, costs-to-date and amount billed to-date for each job. It has the ability to calculate other important information that must be on a bonding report. The system allows a company to edit contract prices and amounts billed-to-date. A job may also be marked as inactive. Inactive jobs are not printed on a bonding report. This screen is accessed through the Job Costing Reports menu.
Click on any column header to sort the listed items. This will be useful when the list of reports has grown.
Add or Change (button)
To modify the information used in generating the report, press the Add button or highlight the desired report title and press the Change button. For more information, see Add or Change a Bonding Report.
Press the Delete button and the following screen comes into view. Press the Yes button and the highlighted record will be deleted and the previous screen comes into view. If the No button is pressed, the program returns to the previous screen.
Change Job Parameters (button)
The contract price of each job and the amount billed to date may be entered, reviewed and altered through this option. This step is usually unnecessary because the billed-to-date figure is updated automatically as A/R Invoices are issued to the owner. For more information, see Change Settings For a Bonding Report.
To print a report, press the Print button. For more information, see Printing Reports
Note: If the message "Nothing to Print"comes into view when the Print button is pressed, there are two main causes:
A. There is no information within the selected limits. Remove all limits, then, one at a time, reinsert the limits. If the report still will not print, insert a new report title.
B. No report title is selected. The report title is used to store the selected limits. A report title must be selected in order for the report to print.
There are two reports available.
This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.
Changing or Adding A Bonding Report
To Add or Change a report, press the appropriate button and the following screen will come into view. This screen displays the possible limits that may be set. No limits should be set if a complete listing of every job in the Posted Transaction File is desired. Several limits may be set to narrow the list down to a very small range of jobs.
As with most reports, there are many possible ways to print this report. Following is a description of each of the limits. Check the appropriate boxes and enter the desired limits. When all desired limits have been set, press the OK button to save the settings. Press the Cancel button to return to the browse screen without saving the settings
Report Title
The title of the report. Warning: The title is used to store the selected limits. If no title is entered for the report, the message "Nothing to Print" will come into view when trying to print the report.
Enter the User ID of the report creator.
Lock (check box)
If this option is selected, only the User listed in the User field can change or delete this report.
Choose one of the three following options by clicking on the radio button. This option is useful to exclude from the bonding report any jobs that are completed but not yet closed.
Active Jobs Only (radio button)
Active Jobs are jobs that are ongoing. For more information, see Job Setup.
Inactive Jobs Only (radio button)
Inactive Jobs are jobs on which no work is currently being done. For more information, see Job Setup.
Both (radio button)
All jobs, active and inactive.
There are two possible report formats.
Short Format
The Short Format prints 12 columns of information for each job. The report is one page wide. This report is available on all Editions of the accounting system. For a description of this report, see Financial Status Report Short Format.
Long Format
The Long Format adds many more columns of information and is two pages wide. This report is available on the Preferred Edition only. For a description of this report, see Financial Status Report (Long Format).
Short Modified
The Modified Short Format prints much the same as the Short Format. The only exception is that instead of printing one Cost to Date column, there are columns for Labor Costs, Labor Burden Costs, and Remaining Costs.
Select Both to get two sections on the report; one for completed jobs and one for jobs in process. Otherwise, select to include one section or the other. The default selection is Both.
Completed Jobs Only (radio button)
This includes jobs that are calculated as 100% complete.
Incomplete Jobs Only (radio button)
This includes jobs which are not 100% complete
Both (radio button)
This option selects Both Jobs to get two sections on the report; one for completed jobs and one for jobs in process.
Use this section to limit the report by Job. Use the Range setting to set a range of Job ID numbers. Use the List setting to specify a list of Jobs to be included.
All, Range, List (radio buttons)
Select the All radio button to ignore Job reporting limits. Select Range to enter a range of Jobs in the From and To fields. Select List to report on a list of selected Jobs.
These fields will be available if the Range radio button is selected.
Selects the first job in a range or a single job. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Job setup screen comes into view.
Selects the last job in a range or a single job. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Job setup screen comes into view. Highlight the desired record and press the Select button.
Edit Job List (button)
If the List radio button is selected, this button will be available. The following screen will come into view when the Edit Job List button is pressed.
Use the arrows to move Jobs from the Available list to the Included list. All Jobs in the Included Records section will be included on the report. Use the tabs to sort each section by Job Number or by Job Name.
Retrieve a Saved List / Save This List for Future Use (buttons)
Use these buttons to save the current list of included records for future use, or to retrieve a previously saved list. See Saved Report Limit Lists for more details.
Project Manager
This option allows the user to limit the report by Project Manager. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Project Managers.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Superintendent. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Superintendents.
Include Managers Marked Inactive (checkbox)
If this box is checked, then the pulldown lists for Project Manager and Superintendent will include Inactive employees.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Salesman. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Salesmen.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Foreman. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Foremen.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Estimator. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Estimators.
Choose one of the three following options. The default selection is Job.
Job # (radio button)
Sorts by Job Number.
Name (radio button)
Sorts by Name.
Project Manager (radio button)
Sorts by Project Manager.
Superintendent (radio button)
Sorts by Superintendent.
Job Billing Type (select field)
Job Billing Type
Select the Job Billing Type of the jobs for which the Bonding Report should be printed. This option allows the user to see only jobs of a certain billing type.
Job Category
Select the Job Category of the jobs for which the Bonding Report should be printed. This option allows the user to see only jobs of a certain category.
Use these settings to limit the report to jobs with a job date that falls within a specified range of dates.
Job Date Type (pull-down list)
Select the type of date upon which the limit will be based. Select "No Job Date Limit" if no date limit is desired; otherwise, select the type of date to be used for the limit. All the dates listed are accessible through the Job Setup program.
If a date type is selected, the date ranges defined on the next lines are enabled. To limit the jobs to a range of dates, enter the first and last dates of the desired range. To limit jobs to a single date, enter that date in both the From and To fields.
Selects the first date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Selects the last date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Figure Mismatch Handling (tab)
Select the Figure Mismatch Handling tab to specify the actions to be taken for mismatching figures.
If Billed to Date Exceeds Contract Amount
The user can specify whether to Do Nothing, Flag Job, or Replace Contract Amount with Billed to Date Amount.
If Cost to Date Exceeds Projected Cost
The user can specify whether to Do Nothing, Flag Job, or Replace Projected Cost with Cost to Date.
If Estimated Final Profit is Negative
The user can specify whether to Calculate Gross Profit to Date or Gross Profit to Date Matches Estimated Final Profit.
Select the Special tab to further limit the Bonding Report by Date or by Fiscal Period and specify other settings for this report. The user can also choose to export the Report to a text file.
Warning: If dates are selected, the report generation may be time consuming.
Select Dates (check box)
Activates the ranges defined on the next lines. This option may be used to limit transactions to a particular date or range of dates. To limit transactions to specific dates, enter the first and last dates of the desired range. To limit transactions to a single date, enter that date in the From and To fields.
Selects the first date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Selects the last date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Report Effective Date
This is used to print the report effective date. Example: If a report for January 31 is needed on March 31, this is the field to enter the 01/31/XX date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Use Prior Month Budget and Contract Figures (check box)
This is used to match the budget to the Selected Dates.
Use Current Contract Amount (radio button)
Select this option to have the report use the current contract amount on the report, regardless of the date range.
Subtract Change Orders Entered After Cutoff Date (radio button)
Select this option to have the report use the contract amount that was current as of the last date in the date range. This is accomplished by taking the current contract amount and subtracting off any approved change orders dated later than the last date in the date range.
Omit Jobs Entered Since Cutoff Date (check box)
Check this box to exclude Jobs that were entered since the Date entered in the To limit field.
Select Fiscal Period
Use the lookup buttons to select the fiscal period(s) to be included in the report.
Select Departments
Use the lookup buttons to select the department(s) to be included in the report.
Export to Text File (check box)
Check this box if the Report is to be exported. Enter the export destination in the field below or press the lookup button to browse for the correct destination.
Include Customer Name (check box)
Check this box to include an extra line for each job showing the Customer Name.
Print Report Limits (check box)
Check this box to include a list of the printing limits at the bottom of the printed report.
Field Reports are Current (check box)
This means the report will use Field Reports for "percentages complete".
Suppress Job Name (check box)
Check this box to force the bonding report to omit job names while printing. This means the report will include Job Numbers, but not Job Names.
Use Budget for Projected Cost
There may be times when the number the system places in the Latest Cost Estimate column is not an acceptable number to the user. If this box is checked, each job listed will have a Latest Cost Estimate that is equal to the Current Budget value for that job.
Readability Bars
Use this checkbox to indicate whether colored readability bars should be included on the report. Click the sample color rectangle and the following will appear:
Select the desired color and click the OK button.
Color Coding by Status (check box)
If this box is checked, the Job ID and Job Name of all printed jobs will be color coded according to their status. Active jobs will print in Black, inactive jobs will print in Green, and closed jobs will print in Red.
Include Unposted A/R Billings in Billed to Date (check box)
If this box is checked, the Billed to Date amount will be increased by the total of any unposted billings in the A/R Invoice Batch system.
Include Unposted Timesheets in Cost to Date (check box)
If this box is checked, the Cost to Date amount will be increased by the total of any unposted timesheets in the P/R Timesheet Batch system.
Include Unposted A/P Invoices in Cost to Date (check box)
If this box is checked, the Cost to Date amount will be increased by the total of any unposted invoices in the A/P Invoice Batch system.
Click this button to save the current settings and print the report immediately, without having to return to the Report Title browse window.
Report Description: Contracts in Progress -Financial Status Report (Short Format)
The job heading includes the report title, company name, effective date, date of printing and page number. At the left side of the report a code is listed. ‘(C)’ indicates that field reports were current and ‘(NC)’ indicates that field reports were not current.
Job Number and Name
These columns contain the number and name of the job.
Contract Price
This is the current contract price. This amount may be edited through the Change Job Parameters (button).
Budgeted Amount
The budgeted amount is taken directly from the ‘Job Cost Budgets’ file. This is the sum of all of the budgets for each job phase or code.
Latest Estimate
The latest estimate is calculated in the same manner as the projected completion cost for the job. This field is the estimated total completion cost.
Final Profit
This is an estimate of the final profit on this job. It is calculated by subtracting the latest estimate (column 3) from the contract price (column 1). A negative amount indicates a loss on the job.
Costs to-Date
This is the total amount spent on the job. These amounts are taken directly from the job cost records.
Percent Complete
This field shows the percent complete. The percent complete is calculated on a dollar basis by dividing the costs-to-date (column 5) by the latest cost estimate (column 3).
Profit to-Date
This column shows the profit or loss to-date. Profit is calculated by multiplying the final profit (column 4) by the percent complete (column 6). If the final profit is a loss, the profit to-date is the same as the final profit amount. If the job is in preliminary stages, a double asterisk (**) will be printed indicating that no profit has been recognized.
Earned to-Date
The earned to-date is the sum of the costs to-date (column 5) and the profit to-date (column 7).
Billed to-Date
This amount is taken from the job header record. The billed to-date is automatically updated by the Accounts Receivable module. This figure may be entered or edited through the Change Job Parameters (button). Care must be taken when doing so. See the warning message under the documentation for entering this field.
Excess Billings
This field is the amount that has been billed above the amount earned. It is also the same as the billed amount less the profit to-date and costs to-date. This is calculated by subtracting the earned to-date (column 8) from the billed to-date (column 9) amount.
Final Cost Estimate
This is the estimated costs that will be incurred to complete the job. It is calculated by subtracting the costs to-date (column 5) from the latest estimated cost to complete (column 3).
Contract Balance
The contract balance is the amount left to be billed. This is calculated by subtracting the billed to-date (column 9) from the contract price (column 1).
Line Items
Each job is summarized on a single line. A total for all jobs is listed on the last line titled Totals.
Legend of Columns
At the bottom of each report is a description of the columns. Next to the descriptions are the column numbers and an explanation of how each column is calculated.
Report Description: Contracts in Progress - Financial Status Report (Long Format)
This report includes all the columns described above, but adds new columns for Prior Years Costs, Current Years Costs, Prior Years Profit, Current Years Profit, Cost plus Profit to-date, Prior Earned to-date, Current Cost plus Profit, Prior Billings, Current Billings and Percent Gross Margin. The calculations for these fields are described in the Legend of Columns at the bottom of the report.
Report Sample: Contracts in Progress - Financial Status Report (Short Format)
Report Sample: Contracts in Progress - Financial Status Report (Long Format)