Job Position Report
Overall, this is one of the most useful job analysis reports produced by the system. It provides essentially the same information as the Complete report but adds unit cost analysis, labor productivity information and subtotals by cost type (labor, material, subcontract, equipment, burden and general).
This report is accessible through Job Costing Analysis Reports. To print this report, check the Job Position radio button under the Report Formatting tab
There are two possible reports.
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Report Description - Job Position Report (Detail)
The report heading consists of the report title, date, page number and company name. The limits that were set at the time of printing are also included.
Cost Code
This is the cost code or job phase. Following the code number is the code type (Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Equipment, Burden or General). If a grouping code is assigned, the code is printed behind the code type.
Cost Code Description
This column contains the name or description of the cost code for the job phase listed.
Estimated Quantity
This column gives the estimated quantity for the job phase. If the job phase is a subcontract, the subcontractor name and number are printed in place of the quantity.
Unit Name
This column is the unit name attached to the job phase.
Quantity In Place
This is the recorded quantity in place to-date. If field reports are used to update this field, the quantity will be the information entered from the latest field report. If the system is tailored to use invoice information only, the field will contain only quantities from entered and posted invoices. An asterisk following this amount indicates that the quantity in place exceeds the estimated quantity.
Estimated Unit Cost
This field shows the cost per each unit on this cost code. This is derived by dividing the current budget by the estimated quantity.
Actual Unit Cost
This field shows what the actual cost has been for each unit. This is derived by dividing cost to-date by the number of units in place.
Estimated Cost
This is the current budget for the job phase.
Earned Cost
This is the current budget times the percent complete.
Actual Cost
This is the actual cost to-date as recorded through the accounting system. This would include amounts charged to the job through Accounts Payable, Payroll, General Ledger and/or other modules. Cost to-date figures are derived directly from the job cost file. In the case of costs accrued through Accounts Payable, this cost to-date field is updated every time an invoice is posted. For this reason, the cost to-date columns on this reports reflect all invoices posted whether they are paid or not.
Cost Variance
This field shows the difference (in dollars) between the current costs and the costs that should have been incurred at this point in the phase. A negative amounts means that the actual cost is lower than expected and a positive amounts indicates a cost over-run.
Projected Variance
This column shows the dollar amount that each job phase will be over or under budget using the projected cost versus the current budget. A negative amount means that the cost phase will be completed at a lower cost than currently budgeted.
Units Per Labor Hour
The number of units put in place per hour is printed in this column. This field will be empty unless both material and labor code types exist for a common cost code.
Phase Subtotals
Each group of related job phases is subtotaled for estimated costs, earned costs, actual costs, current variances and projected variances. The sub-totals are listed after the last related phase code.
Job Totals
Each column is totaled for estimated, earned and actual costs. Current and projected variances are also totaled. Each code type (Labor, General, Material, Subcontracts,Burden and Equipment) is totaled on a separate line. The Budget Left to Spend is also listed for each cost type.
Grand Totals
The totals for all cost types are listed at the bottom of the report.
Report Description - Job Position Report (Summary)
The Summary Format is identical to the Detail format except for two exceptions. The cost codes are not itemized and there is no cost code description.
Cost Code (Subtotal Titles)
The Subtotal titles for each group of cost codes are listed.