Job Cost Universal Job Reports
This program will print a whole series of reports, including Summary, Analysis, Detail and Bonding reports, for a single job. This can be useful when the job is about to be closed, and the user desires to print out all the information for that job.
This screen is accessed through Universal Job Reports on the Job Costing Report Menu.
Click on any column header to sort the listed items. This will be useful when the list of reports has grown.
Add or Change (button)
To modify the information used in generating the report, press the Add button or highlight the desired report title and press the Change button. For more information, see Add or Change a Summary Report
Press the Delete button and the following screen comes into view. Press the Yes button and the highlighted record will be deleted. If the No button is pressed, the program returns to the previous screen.
To print a report, press the Print button. For more information, see Printing Reports.
Note: If the message "Nothing to Print"comes into view when the Print button is pressed, there are two main causes:
A. There is no information within the selected limits. Remove all limits, then, one at a time, reinsert the limits. If the report still will not print, insert a new report title.
B. No report title is selected. The report title is used to store the selected limits. A report title must be selected in order for the report to print.
This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.
Add or Change a Universal Report
To Add or Change a Universal Report, press the appropriate button and the following screen will come into view. This screen displays the possible limits that may be set.
Report Title
The title of the report. Warning: The title is used to store the selected limits. If no title is entered for the report, the message "Nothing to Print" will come into view when trying to print the report.
Enter the User ID of the report creator.
Lock (check box)
If this option is selected, only the User listed in the User field can change or delete this report.
Use this section to limit the report by Job. Use the Range setting to set a range of Job ID numbers. Use the List setting to specify a list of Jobs to be included.
All, Range, List (radio buttons)
Select the All radio button to ignore Job reporting limits. Select Range to enter a range of Jobs in the From and To fields. Select List to report on a list of selected Jobs.
These fields will be available if the Range radio button is selected.
Selects the first job in a range or a single job. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Job setup screen comes into view.
Selects the last job in a range or a single job. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Job setup screen comes into view. Highlight the desired record and press the Select button.
Edit Job List (button)
If the List radio button is selected, this button will be available. The following screen will come into view when the Edit Job List button is pressed.
Use the arrows to move Jobs from the Available list to the Included list. All Jobs in the Included Records section will be included on the report. Use the tabs to sort each section by Job Number or by Job Name.
Retrieve a Saved List / Save This List for Future Use (buttons)
Use these buttons to save the current list of included records for future use, or to retrieve a previously saved list. See Saved Report Limit Lists for more details.
Field Reports are Current (check box)
If this box is checked, the system will use the figures from the last field reports to calculate projected costs. If this box is not checked, the system assumes that the last field report entries are not current and should not be used.
Include Change Order Detail (check box)
This box applies only to the selected Analysis Report format. If this box is checked, individual change orders will be itemized on the printed Analysis Report.
Print Extended Headers/Footers (check box)
This box applies only to the selected Analysis Report format. If this box is checked, the selected Analysis Report will included extended headers and footers, as described in the Analysis Reports help topic.
Detail Level: Summary (check box)
This box applies only to the selected Analysis Report format. If this box is checked, the selected Analysis Report will not print individual cost codes, but will be summarized by group.
Include Unposted A/P (check box)
If this box is checked, cost to date figures will include costs entered on unposted A/P Invoices.
Include Unposted A/R (check box)
If this box is checked, billed to date figures will include billings entered on unposted A/R Invoices.
Include Unposted P/R (check box)
If this box is checked, cost to date figures will include costs entered on unposted Payroll Timesheets.
Any number of job-specific reports can be printed when the print button is pressed on the main window. These come from the reports listed in the "Available Reports" list box. Move as many reports as desired from the Available list to the Included list by dragging and dropping, double-clicking the desired available report, or clicking the green right-arrow button.
The reports can be printed in any desired order. Move reports in the Included Reports list up and down in the print order using the arrow buttons on the right.
If the Select Dates box is not checked, transactions for all dates will be included on the reports.
Select Dates (check box)
Activates the ranges defined on the next lines if the box is checked. This option may be used to limit transactions to a particular date or range of dates. To limit transactions to a particular range of dates, enter the first and last dates of the desired range. To limit transactions to a single date, enter that date for both the From and To fields.
Selects the first date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Selects the last date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
If the Select Fiscal Periods box is not checked, transactions for all fiscal periods will be included on the reports.
Select Fiscal Periods (check box)
Activates the ranges defined on the next lines. This option may be used to limit fiscal periods to a particular period or a range of periods. To limit fiscal periods to a particular range of periods, enter the first and last period number of the desired range. To limit transactions to a single fiscal period, enter that period number in both the From and To fields. Pressing the lookup button on the From and To fields will cause the Fiscal Period Maintenance screen to come into view. Highlight the correct period and press the Select button or the 'Enter' key. The program will return to the previous screen.
Selects the first period in a range of fiscal periods or a single fiscal period. Enter the fiscal periods or press the lookup button and the Fiscal Period Maintenance screen comes into view. Highlight the desired record and press the Select button.
Selects the last period in a range of fiscal periods or a single fiscal period. Enter the fiscal periods or press the lookup button and the Fiscal Period Maintenance screen comes into view. Highlight the desired record and press the Select button.
Portrait (radio button)
Specifies how the reports are positioned on the page when printed. Portrait is the standard. Portrait is printed vertically.
Landscape (radio button)
Specifies how the reports are positioned on the page when printed. Landscape is printed horizontally.
All Bonding Reports will be printed in Landscape format regardless of this setting.
Reports are normally displayed on the standard report previewer, which has an option to save the report as a PDF file. The Universal Job Report allows the user to skip the preview phase and jump directly to the PDF.
Report Previews (check box)
If this box is checked, the reports will be printed using the standard method. Each report will be previewed on the screen at which point the user can either print, export, email, or create a PDF file from the report. The subsequent report in the list will not be started until the report preview window for the current report is closed.
Universal PDF (no previews) (check box)
If this box is checked, the report preview will be skipped for all the reports. Instead, the program will create one PDF file that includes all four reports in one. That PDF will then immediately be displayed on the screen.