Job Cost Analysis Reports
From a management point of view, the Job Cost Analysis Reports are one of the most useful reports in the accounting system. These reports give current cost and quantity figures and cost projections on every phase of the job. It is this timely information and analysis that will help the contractor gain the control needed for profitable management of jobs.
These reports use the data supplied by Payroll, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Purchase Order, and Accounts Receivable to produce accurate cost and quantity figures for each cost code on each job. Costs are analyzed with respect to quantity used and percent complete. Cost projections are calculated. The usefulness of the information is very dependent on the accuracy of the information in the rest of the system.
These reports help management spot potential cost overruns and other problems. Multiple report formats are available including the Complete, User Defined, Budget Only, Cost Code List only, Costs vs. Budget, Job Manager, Committed Costs, Budget Revision Worksheet, Job Position, Comparison, Estimated vs. Actual, Paid vs. Unpaid Invoices, Cost vs. Revenue, Job Status Report, Trade Anlysis, Job Cost Sheet (A/P Costs), Job Cost Sheet by Code, Revised Estimates, and Cost & Revenue by Billing Phase formats.
After selecting the Analysis Reports option on the Job Costing Reports Menu, the following selection screen will come into view.
Click on any column header to sort the listed items. This will be useful when the list of reports has grown.
Add or Change (button)
To modify the information used in generating the report, press the Add button or highlight the desired report title and press the Change button. For more information, see Add or Change an Analysis Report.
Press the Delete button and the following screen comes into view. Press the Yes button and the highlighted record will be deleted and the previous screen comes into view. If the No button is pressed, the program returns to the previous screen.
To print a report, highlight the desired report title and press the Print button. For more information, see Printing Reports
Note: If the message "Nothing to Print"comes into view when the Print button is pressed, there are two main causes:
A. There is no information within the selected limits. Remove all limits, then, one at a time, reinsert the limits. If the report still will not print, insert a new report title.
B. No report title is selected. The report title is used to store the selected limits. A report title must be selected in order for the report to print.
This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.
Add or Change an Analysis Report
To Add or Change a report, press the Add button or highlight the desired report title and press the Change button. The following screen will come into view. The Jobs and Codes tab will be selected automatically.
Report Title
The title of the report. Warning: The title is used to store the selected limits. If no title is entered for the report, the message "Nothing to Print" will come into view when trying to print the report.
Enter the User ID of the report creator.
Lock (check box)
If this option is selected, only the User listed in the User field can change or delete this report.
There are three tabs available which hold different limits. Choose the desired tab by clicking on the tab.
This tab will be open by default when the Add or Change buttons are pressed. From this tab Jobs and Cost Codes Limits may be set. If all Jobs and Cost Codes are desired, leave the Select boxes unchecked.
This screen allows the operator to select format and printing options.
This screen allows the report to be limited by specific dates and/or fiscal periods. To set no limits on the fiscal periods and dates, leave the Select boxes unchecked. This limit screen also allows the selection of information by four exception types.
This tab will be open by default when the Add or Change buttons are pressed. From this tab Jobs and Cost Codes Limits may be set. If all Jobs and Cost Codes are desired, set no limits.
Use this section to limit the report by Job. Use the Range setting to set a range of Job ID numbers. Use the List setting to specify a list of Jobs to be included.
All, Range, List (radio buttons)
Select the All radio button to ignore Job reporting limits. Select Range to enter a range of Jobs in the From and To fields. Select List to report on a list of selected Jobs.
These fields will be available if the Range radio button is selected.
Selects the first job in a range or a single job. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Job setup screen comes into view.
Selects the last job in a range or a single job. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Job setup screen comes into view. Highlight the desired record and press the Select button.
Edit Job List (button)
If the List radio button is selected, this button will be available. The following screen will come into view when the Edit Job List button is pressed.
Use the arrows to move Jobs from the Available list to the Included list. All Jobs in the Included Records section will be included on the report. Use the tabs to sort each section by Job Number or by Job Name.
Retrieve a Saved List / Save This List for Future Use (buttons)
Use these buttons to save the current list of included records for future use, or to retrieve a previously saved list. See Saved Report Limit Lists for more details.
Include Inactive Jobs (check box)
If this box is checked, Inactive Jobs will be included in the Report.
Include Closed Jobs (check box)
If this box is checked, Closed Jobs will be included in the Report.
This section allows the selection of Customers for which the report should be printed. The name or number of the first and last Customers desired should be entered. If information is desired for only one Customer, that Customer's Name or Number should be entered in the From and To fields.
All, Range, List (radio buttons)
Select the All radio button to ignore Customer reporting limits. Select Range to enter a range of Customers in the From and To fields. Select List to report on a list of selected Customers.
These fields will be available if the Range radio button is selected.
Enter the customer number. Press the lookup button and the Customer Entry screen comes into view. Highlight the desired customer and press the Select button.
Enter the customer number. Press the lookup button and the Customer Entry screen comes into view. Highlight the desired customer and press the Select button.
Edit Customer List (button)
Click the Edit Customer List button to add or remove Customers from the list of Customers to be included in the report. The following screen will come into view.
Available Records
All Available Customers that are not included in the list are displayed in these columns.
Included Records
All Included Customers are listed in these columns. Use the arrows to move selected records or all records between the Available and Included areas
This section allows for the selection of specific Cost Codes for which the report should be printed. The six cost type categories are listed in the next section. Each checked category will be included in the report.
All, Range, List (radio buttons)
Select the All radio button to ignore Cost Code reporting limits. Select Range to enter a range of Cost Codes in the From and To fields. Select List to report on a list of selected Cost Codes.
These fields will be available if the Range radio button is selected.
Selects the first cost code in a range of codes or a single code. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Cost Code screen comes into view. Highlight the desired code and press the Select button.
Selects the last cost code in a range of codes or a single code. Enter the number or press the lookup button and the Cost Code screen comes into view. Highlight the desired code and press the Select button.
Edit Cost Codes List (button)
Click the Edit Customer List button to add or remove Customers from the list of Customers to be included in the report. The following screen will come into view.
Available Records
All Available Cost Codes that are not included in the list are displayed in these columns.
Included Records
All Included Cost Codes are listed in these columns. Use the arrows to move selected records or all records between the Available and Included areas
A single cost code may be broken down into six cost types. These cost types are Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Equipment, Burden and General. Choose the desired cost types by checking the box(es).
If this box is not checked, all code groups will be printed. This limit prints the report for a list of groups only. To limit the report to desired groups, enter the groups in the Groups to be Included field, separated by a comma. To clear the list, highlight the box and press the Delete key on the keyboard.
Include the Following Groups (radio button)
Select this option to enter Groups that should be included.
Exclude the Following Groups (radio button)
Select this option to enter Groups that should be excluded.
Job Billing Type (select field)
Job Billing Type
Select the Job Billing Type of the jobs for which the Analysis Report should be printed. This option allows the user to see only jobs of a certain billing type.
Print for Departments
This field is only available if Departmentalize was selected in Accounting Options Setup. Click the arrow to open the field and select the desired Department.
Project Manager
This option allows the user to limit the report by Project Manager. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Project Managers.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Superintendent. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Superintendents.
Include Managers Marked Inactive (checkbox)
If this box is checked, then the pulldown lists for Project Manager and Superintendent will include Inactive employees.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Salesman. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Salesmen.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Foreman. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Foremen.
This option allows the user to limit the report by Estimator. Press the down arrow button to select from a list of Estimators.
Job Category
Select the Job Category of the jobs for which the Analysis Report should be printed. This option allows the user to see only jobs of a certain category.
Use these settings to limit the report to jobs with a job date that falls within a specified range of dates.
Job Date Type (pull-down list)
Select the type of date upon which the limit will be based. Select "No Job Date Limit" if no date limit is desired; otherwise, select the type of date to be used for the limit. All the dates listed are accessible through the Job Setup program.
If a date type is selected, the date ranges defined on the next lines are enabled. To limit the jobs to a range of dates, enter the first and last dates of the desired range. To limit jobs to a single date, enter that date in both the From and To fields.
Selects the first date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Selects the last date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Press the Formatting tab and the following screen comes into view. This screen allows the operator to select format and printing options.
Report Format
Fifteen job cost analysis reports are produced by the accounting system. Choose the desired report by clicking on the radio button.
1. Complete format prints actual and estimated quantities; original, current and remaining budgets; the current costs to complete and the current completion variance.
2. User Defined format allows the user to select which columns of information to include on the report.
3. Budget Only format creates a report showing only the cost codes with their respective bugets.
4. Cost Code List Only format creates a report showing just the budgeted costs codes and descriptions.
5. Costs vs. Budget format does not contain quantity amounts. The original and current budgets, control accounts, percent over and under budget and subcontractor name are included on this report format.
6. Job Manager format does not contain budgets but does report estimated and actual quantities, cost-to-date and subcontractor's name.
7. Purchase Order format does not show quantities but does show percent complete, original and current budgets, actual, committed and total costs and remaining budget.
8. Budget Revision format does not show quantities, but does show original and current budgets, actual cost, period-to-date cost and subcontractor name and number.
9. Job Position format contains quantities, unit costs, estimated, earned and actual costs, current and projected variance and labor production.
10. Comparison format contains percent complete, original and current cost estimates, the cost to complete and current variance, the actual cost-to-date, estimated completion cost and completion variance, the difference between the original and current budget and the current budget over/under amount.
11. Estimated vs. Actual format includes percent complete, estimated quantity, per unit cost, actual quantity used, actual cost, balance to complete and man hours.
12. Paid vs. Unpaid Invoices format differentiates between material costs which have been billed and material costs for which the invoices have been paid.
13. Cost vs. Revenue format includes original budget, current budget, cost to date, revenue to date and profit.
14. Job Status Report format Includes a listing of each cost code as well as a listing of all billing line items.
15. Trade Analysis format includes a listing of each cost code, estimated costs, and committed costs.
16. Job Cost Sheet (A/P Costs) format includes a listing of each job and the associated cost codes with original estimates, revisions, cost to date, and paid amounts.
17. Job Cost Sheet by Code format lists each cost code budgeted amounts, each code billing, and the difference between the two.
18.Revised Estimates format includes complete analysis with summaries
Custom Burden Reporting This button will be activated only when Revised Estimates format is selected.
19. Cost & Revenue by Billing Phase report shows all Costs and Revenue charged to a job, ordered by Billing Phase.
Print Extended Headers (check box)
Check this box to include a more detailed header at the beginning of each job.
Print Extended Footers (check box)
Check this box to include a more detailed footer at the end of each job.
Exclude Inactive Cost Codes (check box)
If this box is checked, Inactive Cost Codes will not be included in the Report.
Color Coding by Status (check box)
If this box is checked, the Job ID and Job Name of all printed jobs will be color coded according to their status. Active jobs will print in Black, inactive jobs will print in Green, and closed jobs will print in Red.
New Page for Each Job (check box)
The reports are printed by job. If desired, each job may be started on a new page.
Grand Totals on Separate Page (check box)
If this box is checked, the grand totals for the report will be printed on a separate report page.
Include Summary by Cost Type (check box)
If this box is checked, the report will print a summary line for each cost type (Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Equipment, General and Burden) for each job right before the Job Totals.
Include Notes (check box)
If this box is checked, the notes for each job will be included in the Report. These notes are entered in Job Setup in the Notes/User Tab.
Mask Quantities (check box)
If this box is checked, the report will not show quantities to-date unless there is a quantity budget on the cost code. This check box does not apply to cost codes with a Labor cost type. Labor quantities (hours) will always be printed regardless of whether this box is checked.
Include Hours Worked (check box)
If this box is checked, the report will include an indication of the number of hours worked.
Include Detail (check box)
If this box is checked, the report will print transaction detail for each listed cost code.
Summarize Labor by Paid Date (check box)
If this box is checked, the transaction detail for payroll timesheets will be summarized. Only one line of detail will be printed for each employee for each pay period.
Readability Bars
Use this checkbox to indicate whether colored readability bars should be included on the report. Click the sample color rectangle and the following will appear:
Select the desired color and click the OK button.
Codes with Zero Budget (radio buttons)
Using these options, specify how the report should handle cost codes that have a Current Budget amount of zero.
Include (radio button)
If this option is selected, the report will always print cost codes whose current budget is zero.
Exclude All (radio button)
If this option is selected, the report will never print cost codes whose current budget is zero.
Exclude Only If Cost to Date is Zero (radio button)
If this option is selected, the report will not print cost codes whose current budget is zero unless there is a Cost to Date for that cost code, then it will be printed on the report.
Specify whether the report is to be printed in Job Order Number sequence, ignoring group codes, or to be printed Grouped by Group Code.
Job Order number
A standard report will list the cost codes in numerical order. A subtotal is listed for each job.
Grouped by Group Code
A grouped report will print all cost codes with the same grouping character together. A subtotal is listed for each group.
Choose between a Detailed Report or a Summary.
If this option is chosen, each budgeted cost code will be printed.
If this option is chosen, only the subtotals will be printed. Subtotaling levels for this report are set in the Setup Accounting Options screen.
Portrait (radio button)
Specifies how the report is positioned on the page when printed. Portrait is the standard. Portrait is printed vertically.
Landscape (radio button)
Specifies how the report is positioned on the page when printed. Landscape is printed horizontally.
Change Order Detail can be printed for any cost code whose budget has been modified by one or more change orders. For the Complete report and the Cost & Revenue by Billing Phase report, the user can select to have the change order detail printed after each cost code, or after the Base Costs have first been listed. All other report formats can only include change order detail after each cost code.
Keep Internal Change Orders in Base Costs (check box)
If this box is checked, the report will keep Internal change orders with the base costs and print the Approved change orders separately in the change order section.
This screen allows the report to be limited by specific dates and/or fiscal periods. To set no limits on the fiscal periods and dates, leave the Select boxes unchecked. This limit screen also allows the selection of information by four exception types. Press the Special tab and the following screen comes into view.
Field Reports are Current (check box)
The selection in this field determines the method by which cost projections are made. If this box is checked, the system will use the figures entered from the last Field Report. If this box is unchecked, the system assumes that the last field report entries are not current and should not be used. The system will use other available information to calculate cost projections.
Use Budget for Projected Cost
There may be times when the number the system places in the Projected Cost column is not an acceptable number to the user. If this box is checked, each cost code listed will have a projected cost that is equal to the Current Budget value for that cost code.
Caution: setting a range of dates can greatly reduce the speed of report calculation.
Select Dates (check box)
Activates the ranges defined on the next lines. This option may be used to limit cost to date totals to a particular date or range of dates. To limit cost to date totals to a range of dates, enter the first and last dates of the desired range. To limit cost to date totals to a single date, enter that date in both the From and To fields.
Selects the first date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Selects the last date in a range of dates or a single date. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
If the Select Fiscal Periods box is not checked, all fiscal periods will be printed.
Select Fiscal Periods (check box)
Activates the ranges defined on the next lines. This option may be used to limit fiscal periods to a particular period or range of periods. To limit fiscal periods to a particular range of periods, enter the first and last period number of the desired range. To limit transactions to a single fiscal period, enter that period number for both the From and To fields. Pressing the lookup button on the From and To fields will cause the Fiscal Period Maintenance screen to come into view. Highlight the correct period and press the Select button or the 'Enter' key. The program will return to the previous screen.
Selects the first period in a range of fiscal periods or a single fiscal period. Enter the fiscal periods or press the lookup button and the Fiscal Period Maintenance screen comes into view. Highlight the desired period and press the Select button. The program will return to the previous screen.
Selects the last period in a range of fiscal periods or a single fiscal period. Enter the fiscal periods or press the lookup button and the Fiscal Period Maintenance screen comes into view. Highlight the desired period and press the Select button. The program will return to the previous screen.
These options allow the user to add special costs to the report that normally would not be included.
Committed Costs (check box)
Select this box to include Committed Costs from unreconciled Purchase Orders.
Costs From Unposted Timesheets (multiple options)
Indicate whether costs from unposted timesheets should be included in the cost to date figures. If so, indicate whether timesheets in Repeating Batches should be excluded.
Costs From Unposted A/P Invoices (multiple options)
Indicate whether costs from unposted A/P Invoices should be included in the cost to date figures. If so, indicate whether invoices in Repeating Batches should be excluded.
This limit allows the selection of information by four exception types. One or more exception type may be entered. Highlighting the box and pressing the delete key on the keyboard will clear the limits. Enter the desired exception type or combination of exception types. After the desired exception types have been entered, enter the exception limit for each exception type.
Activity has occurred since:
This field allows the selection of only those codes that have had work reported since a given date. If any transactions have been posted to a cost code since the specified date, the cost code will be reported.
Projected Overrun is greater than:
This field allows the selection of only those items that have a projected cost higher than the budget. This option may be limited further by indicating a dollar amount or percentage by which the projection must surpass the budget in order to be printed.
Cost To Date is greater than:
This field allows the selection of items that have a cost higher than the specified amount. This is useful for excluding items from the report that have not been started yet.
Unfinished - projected cost greater than Cost to Date (check box)
This field allows the selection of only those codes that have a projected cost that is greater than the cost-to-date.
Settings for Projected Cost Calculations
Projecting completion costs for budget items is an important feature of the Job Cost Analysis Report and the Financial Status/Bonding Report.
The system may be tailored to handle cost projections in two ways. Either (1) the system will calculate the completion cost based on a reported percentage of completion, or (2) the operator will enter the estimated completion cost and the system will calculate the percentage of completion. For method 2, there are two options in system tailoring. The operator enters either the total new estimated completion cost or the change in the estimated completion cost, but the result is identical, a new completion cost is specified.
The following discussion applies only if method (1) has been selected. If method (2) has been tailored, the estimated completion cost will always be assumed to be accurate and current and the field report status flag will have no effect on calculations.
The basic method of projecting a completion cost is to divide the current costs by the reported percent complete. This gives the completion cost. For example: the budget for an item is $100.00. Currently the item is 70% complete with a current cost of $65.00. The projected completion cost would be $65.00 / 0.70 = $92.86.
Often field reports are not current and/or invoices have not been received. This means that cost-to-date figures are not current. Even though one or both of the numbers used to project completion costs may be inaccurate, the system makes some assumptions to get a reasonably accurate projection.
Field Reports Are Current (check box)
If this box is checked, the report will use the reported Percent Complete or Cost to Complete figures entered by the user to calculate a cost projection.
If the box is unchecked, the system will assume the entered field reports are not current. The system will then attempt to generate a reasonable estimate of the percent complete by comparing budgeted quantities to actual quantities used or by comparing budgeted costs to actual costs.
The estimated percent complete would be the actual quantity divided by the budgeted quantity. For example: a budgeted quantity of 25 cubic yards and an actual quantity used of 20 cubic yards would yield 20 / 25 = .80, or 80% complete.
The accuracy of the estimated percentage depends upon the accuracy of the budgeted and to-date figures. In most cases it is easier to estimate the quantities required than the costs. Because of this, the system will estimate the percent complete from the quantity figures first. If the budgeted or current quantities are zero, the system will use the budgeted and actual costs to estimate the percent complete. After the system has arrived at an estimated percent complete, it is compared with the last reported percent complete. The greater percent complete calculation is used to project the costs. If field reports are not current, the percentage complete should not be less than last reported.
If both quantity and cost budgets are zero, the actual cost-to-date becomes the projected cost.
Cost To-Date Figures Not Accurate
This is a situation that is unique to material codes due to the time lapse between arrival of materials on the job and the receipt of the invoice at the office. A current field report may indicate that 70% of the material has been received, but the cost-to-date figure in the system may be only 25% of the budget. Material costs are usually estimated and budgeted fairly accurately. In System Tailoring, a material variance was entered that indicates the maximum percent of error to be assumed for material budgets.
If the projected cost is less than budgeted cost by the material variance, the system will assume the cost to date is not accurate. In this case, the budgeted amount is used as the projected cost. If the projected cost is greater than the budget cost by any amount, the system assumes a cost over-run and uses the calculated projected cost.
Special Handling for Labor Codes
The most difficult costs to budget and control are labor costs. The system assumes that labor budgets are not very accurate. Material cost estimates are usually quite accurate. Also, for each material code there is usually a corresponding labor code for installation or handling of the material. If the computer is required to estimate a percent complete involving labor codes in combination with material codes, it will use the material codes first to calculate a percentage complete for the material. It will then calculate the percent complete figures for the labor code then compare the two figures. If the variance between the two percent complete figures is within the percent accuracy specified for material estimating, the material percent complete will be used to project labor costs. If not, the labor percent complete will be used.
Using the techniques outlined above, the computer is able to reasonably project job costs using a minimum amount of data.
Note: The special and somewhat complicated methods for estimating the completion cost outlined above are only used when field reports are NOT current. In order to exercise control over the completion cost calculation, accurate field reports must be entered and specified as being ‘current.’ Under these circumstances the estimated completion cost will always be simply the cost-to-date divided by the percent complete.
Current & Completion Variance
The CURRENT VARIANCE and COMPLETION VARIANCE are calculated in the following manner:
COMPLETION VARIANCE =Projected Cost - Current Budget
CURRENT VARIANCE=Completion Variance X % Complete
Design User Defined Report (tab)
If the User Defined report format is selected, another tab will appear so the user can design the report.
Using the Available Columns and Used Columns list boxes, the user can define which columns will show up on the report, and in what order. The box at the bottom of the window shows a mock-up of what the report headings will look like. Also, in this section the user can provide a name for the analysis report.
Click this button to save the current settings and print the report immediately, without having to return to the Report Title browse window.