Job Totals by Classification
This report will list Jobs that fall within given Classifications during a specified Fiscal Year. Select Job Totals by Classification from the Job Costing: Reports Menu and the following screen will come into view.
Click on any column header to sort the listed items. This will be useful when the list of reports has grown.
Add or Change (button)
see Adding or Changing a Classification Report
Delete (button)
Press the Delete button and the following screen comes into view. Press the Yes button and the highlighted record will be deleted. If the No button is pressed, the program returns to the previous screen.
Print (button)
To print a report, press the Print button. For more information, see Printing Reports
Note: If the message "Nothing to Print" comes into view when the Print button is pressed, there are two main causes:
A. There is no information within the selected limits. Remove all limits. One at a time, reinsert the limits. If the report still will not print, insert a new report title.
B. No report title is selected. The report title is used to store the selected limits. A report title must be selected in order for the report to print.
Close (button)
Press the Close button to return to the main screen.
Help (button)
see How to Use Help
Adding or Changing a Classification Report
Press the Add or Change button and the following screen will come into view.
Report Title
The title of the report. Warning: The title is used to store the selected limits. If no title is entered for the report, the message "Nothing to Print" will come into view when trying to print the report.
Enter the User ID of the report creator.
Lock (check box)
If this option is selected, only the User listed in the User field can change or delete this report.
Fiscal Year Ending
Enter the date on which the desired Fiscal Year will end press the lookup button to select the Date from the Calendar.
Include Inactive Jobs (check box)
Select this box to include Inactive Jobs on the Classification Report.
Include Closed Jobs (check box)
Select this box to include Closed Jobs on the Classification Report.
Click this button to save the current settings and print the report immediately, without having to return to the Report Title browse window.
Jobs Totals will be grouped by Commercial or Residential status and then by each sub-classification.
Number of Jobs
The total Number of Jobs in the sub-classification will be displayed.
Dollar Volume
The total Dollar Volume of Jobs in the sub-classification will be displayed.
Total Commercial Jobs or Total Residential Jobs
The total Number of Jobs and Dollar Volume for all Commercial or Residential Jobs will be listed.
Grand Total
The total Number of Jobs and Dollar Volume for all Jobs will be listed.