Payroll - A-Systems JobView Features
Many people believe Payroll is the most important part of their accounting software. We agree. If Payroll is late, you're in deep trouble. Employees don't care about accounting issues, they just want their paychecks—on time and right!!! Anything less and there's trouble.
Whether you have an electronic time clock, use PDAs (Palm-Pilot like handheld devices), or your employees fill out paper timesheets, A-Systems JobView can handle it, quickly and easily.
After a quarter of a century of pleasing thousands of companies, it's no exaggeration to say that A-Systems JobView is like the spaghetti sauce: It's in there!
What do you want in your payroll? This is a partial list of what A-Systems JobView can do for you:
- Taxes for Federal, Multiple States and Localities, including counties and municipalities.
- Pay Multiple Rates for different jobs and classifications.
- Pay an employee in Multiple States and Localities.
- Track Union Benefits and Fringes.
- Track Multiple Deductions, 401-(k), Cafeteria Plans, Matching Deductions, etc.
- Do Certified Payrolls.
- Pay Prevailing Wages (Complying with the Davis-Bacon Act.)
- Do Electronic Deposits (direct deposits.)
- Print Paychecks in a long, long list of formats. Choose your favorite.
- Track Worker's Comp by task, not by employee, reducing costs.
- Assign Burden.
- Print EEOC reports.
- Track General Liability Insurance.
- Track Regular hours, Overtime hours, and Premium hours, at different rates.
- Track Equipment Usage.
- Enter Payroll by Day, by Week, for Salaried Employees, and "Other" pay types.
- Calculate Payroll Taxes based on internally projected annual earnings or on "Projected Wages" you define.
- Override tax tables and specify exact amounts to be withheld for Federal and/or State Taxes.
- Exempt special pay from Federal and/or State Taxes.
- Exempt special pay from Fringe Benefits and/or Standard Deductions.
- Enter One-time deductions.
- Do Hand Written checks.
- Do "On-the-Fly" checks.
- Import data from outside payroll services. (For those who insist on using them.)
- Print W-2 Forms for this year and last year. (For employees that lost last year's.)
To try this yourself, order your own Free Trial Version of A-Systems JobView.You can do it online or by calling A-Systems toll free at (800) 365-6790. Do it today.