A-Systems JobView
User Conference

Meeting Agenda
Thursday & Friday, October 24-25, 2024


Thursday, October 24

Welcome to Miami!

Get to know your fellow attendees and your A-Systems presenter. Lots of different types of contractors use JobView. You might be surprised. We’ll also review the rules for the Suggestion Box contest and see what kind of Miami Swag has found its way to the fabulous prize table.

Overview of Overviews

We’ll take you on a guided tour of JobView’s Fantastic Overview Screens. JobView provides overviews for everyone from the A/P Clerk to the Job Superintendent to the Controller to the President. Find out which ones provide the right information for you! Of course, we’re also open to suggestions as to how to make them even better!

Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

Let’s touch on a variety of topics involved in Purchase Order and Accounts Payable. Learn how to use the Purchase Order integration with Payables and Job Costing to your benefit, and get some tips on paying vendors using checks, credit cards, and electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Morning Break

Practially Perfect Payroll

We’ll review JobView’s myriad payroll capabilities. Find out how your JobView software can save you time and money by easily handling Direct Deposits, Payment of Accrued Amounts, Unions, Certifications, Workers Compensation, Tips, and Commissions.

Lunch Break - Buffet Provided

Job Costing Genius

In this session we’ll discuss JobView’s Job Costing capabilities. Learn how to take control of your job expenditures and increase your bottom line by properly reading Job Cost reports and making decisions based on the information they provide.

Afternoon Break

2:30-3:30 pm
Not-So-Hidden Treasures

Learn some handy shortcuts and functions that you may not have known about. Drill-downs, lookups, report printing, data export, transaction entry, they all have secrets we’re just waiting to share!


Friday, October 25

Voting on Suggestion Box contest entries

Welcome back. We’re confident you had a fantastic time last night. If not, you’ll just have to extend your trip through the weekend! Our first item of business will be voting on your suggestions in the Suggestion Box. If your suggestion is the most popular, you’ll win the Grand Prize!

Cloud Hosting & New System Features

See the new features and enhancements contained in the most recent JobView revisions. Some of the new functions may be hard to find, so we’ll point them out and show you how they’re used. We’ll also talk about cool new stuff currently in development.

Get It Your Way! - Extended Reporting

We’ll discuss the advantages of exporting report information to spreadsheets for further analysis. We’ll also go in depth and learn the secrets of using DataView to make JobView even more powerful.

Morning Break

10:50am-12:00 noon
Sure Fire Billing & Receiving

Learn about all the automated billing methods available, including Contractor Draw Request (AIA), Automated Job Billing (cost plus), and Time Billing. Also, we’ll discuss how JobView’s tools can aid in your collection process.

Lunch Break - Buffet Provided

Choose Your Topic

Free discussion time for you as a conference attendee to bring up and discuss issues that are important to you. This is your chance to share ideas with other contractors who face similar challenges and have developed their own solutions. Many attendees find this to be their favorite session!


• Awarding of Contest Prizes
• Conference Adjourned until 2025

Thursday Evening - Your Night on the Town

There’s so much to do in Miami, you might spend all of your time deciding what to do! Visit this website for some great ideas!