New Company Startup Wizard
The system allows for multiple companies, or sets of books, to be run using one common installation. Each company's data files must be stored in separate subdirectories. In creating a new company, certain portions of an existing company may be duplicated or created from scratch; see Add a New Company for more information.
The New Company Wizard allows the user to enter and or modify the basic information necessary for setting up a new company. This wizard will automatically come into view the first time the program is run for this company. It can also be accessed through New Company Wizard on the Setup Menu or at the top of the main screen by pressing the button. Note: The new setup Wizard will not permit access if transactions have been made.
When all the information has been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this program, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard.
Don't Automatically Show me this Wizard When The Program Starts Up (check box)
Once this box is checked, the Wizard will not automatically appear when the program starts up and this field will disappear. The wizard can still be accessed through the Startup Menu or the button.
The following screen will come into view before the New Company Startup Wizard will proceed. Listed are all the materials needed to properly set up a new company.
Be sure to check every box before pressing the Next button or the following screen will come into view.
If all materials have been gathered but the boxes have not been checked, press Yes to continue. If the materials have not been gathered, press No and then check the boxes as material is gathered.
In New Company Wizard there are fourteen screens.
1. Entering Company Information
2. Entering General Ledger Accounts
3. Entering Default General Ledger Accounts
4. Entering the System Startup Date Information
5. Entering Accounts Payable Vendors
6. Entering Accounts Receivable Customers
7. Entering Employees
8. Entering the Job Cost Code Dictionary
9. Entering Jobs and Budgets
10. Entering Open Account Payable Invoices
11. Entering Open Account Receivable Invoices
12. Enter Job Costs as of Startup
13. Entering General Ledger Account Balances
14. Completing the New Company Wizard
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. Enter the company information in this screen.
When all the information has been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this program before completing the wizard, press the Esc key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
Company Name
This is the name of the company as it is to appear on reports, etc.
Address lines 1& 2
Two lines are allowed for the address. Two lines may come in handy if:
1) The street address is especially long.
2) A street address and a P.O. Box are desired.
3) An individual within the company is specified.
4) A particular department within the company is specified.
City, State, Zip
Enter the city, state and zip code.
This is the telephone number of the company. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.
This is the fax number of the company. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.
Fed Tax ID
This is the Federal Tax ID issued by the federal government for the company.
State Tax ID
This is the State Tax ID issued by the state for the company.
Entering General Ledger Accounts
Review the General Ledger accounts. If the Chart of Accounts has already been entered and the system setup options have been completed, it should not be necessary to make any changes to these accounts. Use the Financial Statement Layout tab to view the Financial Statement. Note: If new accounts are entered, they must also be entered in the Financial Statement to make the process complete.
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter or change the General Ledger Accounts.
When all the information has been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this program before completing the wizard, press the Esc key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
Number of Digits in Account Number
Enter the number of digits that will be used for the General Ledger Accounts. Up to ten digits are allowed. Once accounts have been created, this field is no longer accessible.
This tab list the General Ledger Account numbers and descriptions. Through this tab, new accounts are inserted and existing accounts modified. This tab is opened by default when this screen is displayed.
Insert New Account or Change Account (button)
Press the Insert New Account button or highlight the desired account and press the Change Account button. The following screen will come into view.
Account Number
Enter the Account Number.
This is the description of the account.
Account Usually Carries a CREDIT Balance (radio button)
This option specifies that the account usually carries a credit balance. This will affect how the account is displayed on the Financial Statement.
Account Usually Carries a DEBIT Balance (radio button)
This option specifies that the account usually carries a debit balance. This will affect how the account is displayed on the Financial Statement.
Account Type
Cash (radio button)
If this radio button is selected, this Cash account will show up in the Management Overview cash section.
Sales (radio button)
Sales accounts are accounts to which income is credited. This radio button must be set in order for the Profit & Loss Statement to calculate revenue percentages properly.
None of the Above (radio button)
If the account is not a cash account or a sales income account, no account type should be assigned.
Checking Account (check box)
Any account may be designated as a checking account. Check registers may be printed and Bank Statement Reconciliation may be performed for accounts marked as checking accounts.
Financial Statement Layout Tab
This screen displays the layout of the Financial Statement. This is the same screen that appears when the Design Financial Statement option is chosen from the General Ledger main menu. See Design Financial Statement Line Items.
Entering Default General Ledger Accounts
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen comes into view.
This screen is where the user enters the GL Account numbers that will be used for postings during the New Company Startup Wizard is running. The fields with asterisks must be filled before continuing. Press the lookup button to select from the list of Account Numbers previously entered. Account numbers are needed for General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Job Costing.
When all of the required fields have been entered, press the Next button to proceed to the next screen.
Entering System Startup Date Information
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. This screen will only come into view the first time this wizard is run.
In this screen specify the beginning date for accounting entries into this company and the last month of the fiscal period. Note: This refers to the company's Fiscal year end . This may or may not be December. For example: if the fiscal year ends in April, April would be entered in this field.
When the system startup date information has been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
When the Next button is pressed, the system will pause for a moment while it creates fiscal periods according to the dates entered above.
Entering Accounts Payable Vendors
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the address information for the vendors and subcontractors for the company. Vendors include any companies or individuals from whom goods or services are purchased. More detailed information for the vendors and / or subcontractors may be entered through the Vendor Entry program.
When all the vendors have been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this program, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
When the Insert a New Vendor button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.
Vendor ID
The Vendor ID is the number used throughout the Accounts Payable system to identify a vendor. Vendor numbers are assigned consecutively starting with 1.
This may be a company name or an individual's name. This is the name as it is to appear on checks, reports, etc.
There are three choices for name entry:
1. Company Name
Enter the name of the company as it is to appear on checks,reports,etc.
2. Individual's name (sorted by last name in vendor file)
The sort order for this individual will be by the last name in the vendor file. However, the name will be printed in the following order: first name, middle initial, last name on checks, reports, etc. Enter the vendor's name in the following format: Last Name;First Name Middle Initial
3. Individual's name (sorted by first name in the vendor file)
The sort order for this individual will be by the first name in the vendor file. However, the name will be printed in the following order: first name, middle initial, last name on checks, reports, etc. Enter the vendor's name in the following format: First Name Middle Initial Last Name.
Example :
Address line 1 & 2
Two lines are allowed for the address. Each line will allow up to 22 characters. Two lines may come in handy if:
1) The street address is especially long.
2) A street address and a P.O. Box are desired.
3) An individual within the company is specified.
4) A particular department within the company is specified.
City, State,Zip
Enter the city, state and zip code.
This is the telephone number of the vendor. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.
This is the fax number of the vendor. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.
This is the Email address of the vendor.
Entering Accounts Receivable Customers
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the address information for the customers of the company. Customers include any companies or individuals who purchase goods or services from the company. More detailed information for the customers may be entered through the Customer Entry program.
Insert a New Customer (button)
When the Insert a New Customer button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.
Customer ID
Each customer is assigned a number. When a new customer is being entered, the next available number will be automatically assigned by the system.
Enter the customer’s name. This may be a company name or an individual's name. This is the name as it is to appear on checks, reports, etc. Customers are sorted into alphabetical order according to the first character of the name entered here.
Address line 1 and 2
Two lines are allowed for the address. Each line will allow up to 22 characters. Two lines may come in handy if:
1) The street address is especially long.
2) A street address and a P.O. Box are desired.
3) An individual within the company is desired.
4) A particular department within the company is desired.
City, State, Zip
Enter the city, state and zip code.
This is the telephone number of the customer. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.
This is the fax number of the customer. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.
This is the Email address of the customer.
When all the customers have been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the basic information for employees. More detailed information for the employees may be entered through the Employee Entry program.
Specify the default state of residence and tax withholding state. States are identified by the US Postal Service codes. Select the state with the arrow and the State name is automatically filled in. This state will be used for all new employees and will be entered in Setup Miscellaneous Payroll as the default state for new employees. |
Insert a New Employee (button)
When the Insert a New Employee button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.
Employee ID
The system will automatically assign the next available number.
First, Middle, and Last Name
Enter up to 25 characters for the employee's first and last name. Enter up to two letters for the middle initial.
Address 1 & 2
Enter up to 30 characters for the address. Enter the employee’s street address or post office box.
City, State, Zip
Enter the city, state, and up to ten digits for the zip code of the employee’s address.
Enter the phone number of the employee.
Enter the email address of the employee.
Birth Date
Enter the birth date of the employee. Slashes will be inserted automatically. Use the arrows to select the desired date and press the OK button.
Hire Date
Enter the date the employee started to work for the company. Use the arrows to select the desired date and press the OK button.
Indicate whether the employee is male or female.
Specify to which ethnic group an employee belongs. Use the arrow to view a list of choices. Select the correct choice.
Social Security Number
Enter the social security number of the employee. Dashes will be inserted automatically.
Driver’s License
Enter the employee’s drivers license number
Marital Status
Indicate the marital status of this employee for tax withholding purposes. The names of the tax tables set up in State & Local Tax Tables for this employee’s state of residence will be displayed by pressing the down arrow.
Federal Exemptions
Enter the number of federal exemptions the employee is claiming. Two digits are allowed for Federal exemptions. If the employee is exempt from Federal Tax, enter 99 here.
State Exemptions
Enter the number of state exemptions the employee is claiming. Two digits are allowed for state exemptions. If the employee is exempt from State Tax, enter 99 here.
Regular Rate
Enter the amount per hour the employee receives for regular hours. When timesheet information is entered, the system will assume this rate unless specified differently.
Overtime Rate
This field holds the employee’s normal overtime rate.
When all the employees have been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
Entering the Job Cost Code Dictionary
Cost codes are the tools used to build job budgets. Each cost code represents a job phase or type of work. When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the name and description of the Cost code. More detailed information for the individual Cost Codes can be entered through Cost Code Entry .
Number of Digits in Cost Code
Enter the desired number of digits to be used for Cost Codes. Up to ten digits are allowed. Once Codes have been created, this field is no longer accessible.
Press the Insert button or highlight the desired Cost Code and press the Change button. The following screen will come into view. Enter the Cost Code and the Description then press the OK button.
Cost Code
The number of digits in a cost code is specified when the system is Setup. The cost code may be from one to ten digits in length. Enter the desired cost code number.
Enter up to 30 characters of description. The description is usually the description of the job phase.
Delete this whole list and let me enter my own (button)
If this button is pressed, all the Job Cost codes will be deleted.
When all the cost codes have been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the information for the Jobs and Job Budgets. More detailed information for the individual Cost Codes can be entered through Job Setup .
Number of Digits in Job Number
Enter the desired number of digits to be used in the Job Number. Up to ten digits are allowed. Once Jobs have been entered, this field is no longer accessible.
Press the Insert a New Job button or highlight the Job and press the Change This Job button. The following screen will come into view.
Job ID
Enter a Job number. The number of digits available depends on what was entered in Setup Accounting Options.
Job Name
This is the name of the Job.
Billed to Date
This is the amount billed to date on this job.
Received to Date
Enter the amount received to date on this job.
Add a New Cost Code Budget (button) or Change (button)
When the Add a New Cost Code Budget button or the Change button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.
Cost Code
Budgets are tracked according to cost codes. A single job may have a virtually unlimited number of cost codes. A single cost code may be broken down into six cost types. These cost types are Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Equipment, Burden, and General. Cost codes are set up and maintained in a dictionary of cost codes. Press the lookup button and the Cost Code screen will come into view.
Highlight the desired cost code and press the Select button. When a Cost Code is selected, the number of the Cost Code will appear.
Cost Type
Select from Labor, Materials, Subcontracts, Equipment, Burden and General.
Unit Budget
Enter the budgeted number of units associated with this code. For labor codes, this will normally be the number of hours.
Unit Name
Enter the unit name. For example: hours
Dollar Budget
Enter the budgeted dollar amount.
Unit Used to Date
Enter the number of units used to date associated with this code. For labor codes, this will normally be the number of hours.
Cost to Date
Enter the cost to date associated with this code.
When all the Cost Codes have been entered, press the Next button. To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
Entering Open Account Payable Invoices
Enter all Accounts Payable invoices that were open as of the startup Date. When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the information for the Open Accounts Payable Trade Invoices.
Insert or Change an Accounts Payable Trade Invoice
Press the Insert or Change button and the following screen will come into view. See Adding or Changing an AP Trade Invoice.
Vendor Information
Vendor ( # or name)
Specify the vendor. This may be done by entering the name or number of the vendor or by pressing the lookup button and the Vendors screen will come into view. Highlight the desired vendor and press the Select button. After the vendor is specified, the vendor name, phone and fax number and contact person will appear in the next fields.
Press the More button and the following screen comes into view. The More screen lists the vendor's address and phone number.
Invoice Header Information
Rec. #
A Record Number is automatically assigned in consecutive order to each invoice entered through this program. This number will automatically increase by one with each invoice entry.
PO Number
Enter up to ten characters for the purchase order number. This is the number on the purchase order.
Invoice #
Enter up to ten characters for the invoice number. This is the number received on the vendor’s invoice.
Default Job (optional)
Specify the job to which all line items will be charged. Enter the Job number or press the lookup button and the Job Setup screen will come into view. Highlight the desired job and press the Select button.
Invoice Date
Enter six digits for the date of the invoice. Press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Due Date
Enter six digits for the date the invoice is due or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the correct date and press the OK button.
Enter up to 30 characters for a description of this invoice.
When the Trade Invoice is opened, the Line Item Detail tab is selected by default. This tab allows the user to enter the line items for this invoice. This tab may also be accessed by clicking with the mouse on this tab or by pressing <Alt> 'L'
Cost Distribution
This is the account number or Job Cost Code to which the line item has been charged. This list box shows all charges for the invoice to specific jobs or accounts. It is possible to assign a charge to multiple jobs and multiple accounts. To edit the line item detail, use the Insert, Change, and Delete buttons provided.
This is the amount to be charged to the cost code or account.
The amount of tax for the line item is shown here.
The total amount (with tax) of the line item is displayed in this field.
Insert or Change an Invoice Detail
Press the Insert button or highlight the desired line item and press the Change button on the Line Item Detail tab and the following screen will come into view.
Detail Type
Press the down arrow and select the type. There are two types: General Ledger Account and Job. The type selected will determine the next two fields.
G/L Account
GL Account
Enter the account number or press the lookup button and the General Ledger Accounts screen comes into view. Highlight the correct account and press the Select button. The previous screen comes into view.
Job ID
Enter the job number or press the lookup button and the Job Setup screen comes into view. Highlight the desired job number and press the Select button.
Cost Code
Enter the cost code or press the lookup button and the Budget Cost Code Lockup screen comes into view. The Cost Codes will be limited to the Job selected. Highlight the desired cost code and press the Select button.
Enter the quantity.
Unit Cost
Enter the cost of each unit.
This is the amount of the total invoices to be charged to the cost code or account. When the Quantity and Unit Cost fields are entered, the Amount field is automatically calculated. To manually enter the Amount, set the Quantity and Unit Cost fields to 0.
Taxable (check box)
Check this box if the amount in this line item is Taxable. Leave the box unchecked if the line item is not taxable. The amount of tax for each taxable line item will be calculated and displayed after the total tax is calculated.
Tax Amount
The total amount of tax. If the taxable box is checked and the rate of tax is entered, the tax will appear in this column for each line item.
Total Amount
The cost (with tax) of this line item will be displayed in this field.
This tab allows the user to enter the discounts for this invoice. This tab may also be accessed by clicking with the mouse on this tab or by pressing <Alt> <S>
Non Discountable Amount
This field is for any amounts contained on the invoice which are not discountable. The tax amount will be automatically included here.
This field will display the discount rate found in the vendor record. To change this percentage rate, enter the percentage in this field.
This field will display the discount amount. This amount is the total invoice amount multiplied by the percentage found in the Rate field. As a new amount is entered, it will be divided into the total invoice amount and the new discount percentage will appear in the Rate field.
This is the date the discount expires. Enter the date or press the lookup button and a Calendar will come into view. Highlight the desired date and press the OK button.
When all the Open Accounts Payable Invoices have been entered, press the Next button. The Invoices will be posted at this point. To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
Enter Open Account Receivable Invoices
Enter all Accounts Receivable Invoices that were open as of the Startup Date. When the Next button is pressed, the following screen will come into view. In this screen enter the information for the Open Accounts Receivable Trade Invoices.
Entering A/R Trade Invoices in this wizard is the same as in Accounts Receivable Invoice Entry. The only fields not available are paid by handcheck and retention. Please see Invoice Entry for more information. When all the Invoices have been entered, press the Next button. The Invoices will be posted at this point To exit out of this wizard, press the <Esc> key on the keyboard. To return to the previous screen, press the Back button.
Enter the beginning Job Costs for each of the Jobs already entered in the Startup Wizard. Make sure that these are the costs as of the Startup Date.
When all the costs have been entered, press the Next button to proceed.
Entering General Ledger Account Balances
Enter the beginning balance for all appropriate accounts as positive figures. Make sure that the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable balances match the total of all open invoices entered in the two previous steps.
When the Next button is pressed, the beginning balances will be posted and the following screen will come into view. In this screen, enter or change the General Ledger Account Budgets. Balance information for the accounts may also be entered through Transaction Entry.
Change Beginning Balance (button)
Highlight the desired account and press this button. The beginning balance column will have the cursor blinking in it. Enter the desired dollar amount for this account.
Completing the New Company Wizard
When the Next button is pressed, the entered beginning balances will be posted and the following screen will come into view.
The system has now been setup and prepared for everyday accounting processes. Press the Finish button to close the wizard.