Accounts Payable |
Quick Comparison Chart
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Trade Invoices (with line item detail charged to multiple jobs/accounts) |
Multiple Checking Accounts |
Posted Invoice Analysis (Aging) Reports |
Accounts Payable Subcontract Tracking |
Accounts Payable Subcontract and Retention Payment Invoices |
Automatic Check Voiding |
Automatic Invoice Voiding |
Unlimited number of Invoice Processing Batches |
Limit 2 |
Limit 5 |
Print Lien Release Forms (Lien Waivers) |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Trade Invoices (with multiple billing line items) |
Progress Billings (job billings with retention handling) |
Automatic Job Billing (for cost plus or time & material billings) |
Contractor Draw Request |
Automatic Invoice/Receipt Voiding |
Unlimited number of Invoice & Receipt Processing Batches |
Limit 2 |
Limit 5 |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Track communications with an unlimited number of contacts. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Create and track customer price quotes. |
Create and track customer sales orders. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Bonding Report |
Transaction Detail Report |
Job Cost Analysis Reports |
"As Of" Job Cost Reporting |
Unit Price Reporting |
Extensive Change Order Entry & Tracking |
Job Cost Data Export |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Unlimited Fiscal Periods / No Month-End Closings |
Very Detailed Audit Trail |
Automated Bank Statement Reconciliation |
Forecasting/Modeling |
Recurring Journal Entries |
Fixed Asset Manager |
Multi-Company Financial Statements |
GL Account Budgets |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Timesheets for multiple job cost codes and G/L accounts |
Automatically withhold standard and repeating deductions |
Varying Worker’s Comp. Rates depending on type of work |
Track Tips reported by employee as well as Tips retained by employer |
Track and pay commissions earned on specific A/R Invoices |
Earnings Detail Report |
Direct Deposit of employee pay into employee bank account |
Certified Payroll Tracking & Reporting |
Union Payroll-Fringe Benefit Calculation & Reporting |
Automatic Paycheck Voiding |
Unlimited number of Timesheet Processing Batches |
Limit 2 |
Limit 5 |
Timesheet Entry by Week or by Job |
Prevailing Wages on Certified Contracts |
Worker’s Compensation Audit Report |
Employment Utilization Report |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Company Overview |
Accounting Overview |
Superintendent Job Overview |
Project Manger Job Overview |
Financial Overview |
Optional Modules |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Inventory Module |
Purchase Order Module |
Equipment Costing Module |
DataView |
Electronic Import Module |
Detailed Profile of Software Editions
General Information |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Designed exclusively for the construction industry with the help of all types of Contractors, Builders, and Subcontractors. |
Full service and ongoing Support available from local dealers or from the software developer, where there are no local dealers. |
User definable tax tables. When State and Federal Governments change tax withholding tables, changes are easily made without buying updates. |
Takes advantage of the power in Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8 |
Creates strong Audit Trails and maintains strict Accounting Controls. |
Assign different Access Codes to each Employee, i.e. preventing the Accounts Payable Clerk from getting into the Payroll. |
Customize each Report by setting limits such as Fiscal Period, Job, Job Code,etc. |
Numerous Reports pre designed to meet the user’s needs. |
Easy to operate without needing a CPA and a Computer Expert on staff. |
Automatic Verification of Account Numbers during data entry. |
Fully integrated. For Example, a single entry in Payroll updates not just Payroll, but the General Ledger, Job Costing and Equipment Costing as well. |
On-line Help found at each Data Entry point with a full manual online. |
View major Database Files (Jobs & Cost Codes, General Ledger Account Numbers, Vendors, Subcontractors, Customers, Employees, or Equipment numbers) from anywhere in the accounting system. |
Subject to constant development in response to changes in industry, government, technology, and customer requirements. |
Run Multiple Companies simultaneously without paying additional fees. |
Reports may be written to "Text" Files |
Multimedia Training available. |
Live Update Wizard automatically downloads file updates from the internet. |
Favorite Reports Feature allows access to your favorite reports from anywhere in the program. |
Password Protection to prevent unauthorized access to confidential data. |
Tutorial Training available. Expert Trainers for new or ongoing Training. |
Network compatible. Runs on networks such as Novell, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, and other popular networks. |
Custom Financial Statement Formats may be created. |
Crucial information, including Vendors, Subcontractors, Customers, Employees, Job Cost Codes, and Chart of Accounts may be entered in advance. |
Export data to common Spreadsheet and Database applications. |
The system is forgiving. For example: it is easy to reverse a check written in error and to "UNDO" certain transactions. |
Individual users can protect their transaction batches from being modified by other users. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
View a Job Income and Costs Balance Back Screen with a comparison to Job Income and Costs on the General Ledger to easily detect suspicious General Ledger transactions. |
View an Accounts Payable Balance Back Screen which compares Accounts Payable account balances with Open Account Payable Invoice Detail, showing any discrepancies and automatically finding suspicious General Ledger transactions. |
View an Accounts Receivable Balance Back Screen which compares Accounts Receivable account balances with Open Accounts Receivable Invoice Detail, showing any discrepancies and automatically finding suspicious General Ledger transactions. |
View current Accounts Payable balances (with aging) at a glance with the ability to immediately view supporting Accounts Payable Invoice information. |
View current Accounts Receivable Balances (with aging) at a glance with the ability to immediately view supporting Accounts Receivable Invoice information. |
View Total Cash Balances with the ability to immediately view all cash account balances and individual balances and transactions. |
View Job Cost and Projection Information limited by Job Superintendent or Project Manger, allowing managers to access only the jobs for which they are responsible. |
View Total Cost and Income Information for all Active Jobs with the ability to immediately view any job in any level of detail, including Cost Code totals with Projections, General Ledger transactions, Accounts Payable Invoices, and Accounts Receivable Billings. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Set up Job and Cost Code Numbers up to 10 digits in length. |
Automatically update costs in all appropriate modules from a Single Posting. |
Retain Cost Detail from Timesheets and Invoices for each Job Phase. |
Select (or limit) the information printed on the reports. For example, select just "Framing Labor" or the "Cost of Concrete" on a certain job and print a report with only information on these phases. |
Track Quantities Used-to-date vs. Quantities Budgeted. |
Track Dollars Spent-to-date, Contract Balances, Percent Completed, Earned vs. Billed, Final Cost to Complete Estimates, etc. |
Self-checking features assure that Job Costing is always in balance with the General Ledger. |
Update Units Used-to-Date from Invoices or from Field Reports. |
Enter Control Accounts on each Cost Code along with Material Unit Names. |
Automatically create a Financial Status/Bonding Report from Job Cost Detail. |
Enter negative Budgets/Quantities. |
Review Estimated vs. Actual Job Cost information on a daily basis. |
View Current and/or Historic Job Cost Detail on the Screen or Print at any time. |
Retrieve Job Cost Detail directly from the General Ledger AND from Job Costing for each Job Item. |
Tie Workers Comp and Certified Craft Codes to Job Cost Codes for automatic look up during Timesheet Entry. |
Print Job Cost Analysis Reports with the following formats: |
• "Complete" format |
• "Cost vs. Budget" format |
• "Purchase Order" format |
• "Job Manager" format |
• "Budget Revision" format |
• "Job Position" format |
• "Comparison" format |
• "Estimated vs. Actual" format |
• "Paid vs. Unpaid" format |
• "Cost vs. Revenue" format |
• "Analysis with Summary" format |
Print a "Cash Basis" Subcontract Report. |
Attach a Certified Payroll Craft Code to any or all Codes for automatic lookup. |
Print a Detailed Subcontract Status Report showing Budgets, Invoices, etc. |
Obtain Job Cost reports AS OF the end of any prior Fiscal Period. |
Set up Control Accounts (special General Ledger Posting accounts) on each Cost Code along with Average Production Rates. |
Tie a Job to a General Ledger Department. |
Tie Craft Codes to Cost Codes during Data Entry automatically during the entry process. |
Set up Burden Rates and a corresponding General Ledger Account for each Code type or for each Code. |
Attach a Worker's Comp Craft Code to any or all Codes for automatic lookup. |
Print a Labor Unit Price Report comparing "Estimated to Actual" for Labor, Material and Assembly Costs, tying back to a History of each Job. |
Track Quantity, Hours, Percent Complete, Committed Costs, and Unit Costs for each Job Activity. |
Set up automatic Billing Phases for Job Billing. |
Enter General Ledger Accounts on each Cost Code along with Burden Percentages. |
Track Complete Change Order Detail on all Cost Types with detail on the Prime Contract and Costs on Subcontracts updated automatically. |
Generate Automatic Job Billing from Job Costs. |
Enter and retrieve detailed Job Site information. |
Enter and retrieve detailed Architectural Firm information. |
Set up a Wage Rate Table by Certified Craft Code including Regular Rate and Overtime, Prevailing Wage and Union Fringe Benefit Table. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Calculate Payroll Taxes for all 50 states plus territories. |
Enter any number of Withholding Rate Tables per state and track Wages in any number of states for an Employee. |
Enter or edit a full week of Timesheet data at once. |
Set up Non-standard, Unique Deductions to be withheld and tracked for each Employee. |
Set up Tax-Deferred Deductions, i.e. make a deduction exempt from State Tax, Federal Tax and FICA or any combination of those. |
Void a Check which was just printed (or jammed in the printer). |
More than one method of Automatic Overhead Allocation. |
User definable Standard Repeating Deductions for each Employee, i.e. Insurance, Alimony, Advances, Employee Purchases, Garnishments, etc. |
Store miscellaneous Employee Information such as Drivers License Number, Date Hired or terminated, EEOC Status, etc. |
Enter a Handwritten Check and automatically distribute costs over Multiple Jobs, Cost Codes, and General Ledger accounts with a single entry. |
Print W-2 forms in IRS formats. |
Create W-2 information in Magnetic Media format for the IRS. |
Enter Multiple Pay Rates and Workers Comp Rates for the same employee in the same pay period. |
Save money by accruing Workers Comp based on an Employee’s Task and not the Employee’s Job Title. |
Write a Manual/Hand-Written Check and enter it into the system. |
Print End-of-Quarter Reports on Taxes Withheld and Payments Due Federal, State, and Local Tax jurisdictions. |
Select or change Check Formats at your convenience. |
Separate distribution of Premium (Overtime) Earnings. |
Track Sick, Vacation and Pension Accruals for each employee. |
Do Davis-Bacon Certified Payroll Reporting. |
Enter Timesheets by Week or by Day. |
Print Union Reports with Employee and Employer Paid Fringes. |
Enter an unlimited number of Union Fringe Benefit Tables. |
Track weeks worked (i.e. the California DE3 Report). |
Retrieve and reverse Payroll Checks automatically by just entering a Check Number and an Employee Number. |
Enter Timesheets by Job as well as by Employee. |
Print a Listing showing Employee Timesheet Detail going back weeks or even months. |
Enter Payroll Daily and print Job Cost Reports to track the changes in labor cost. |
Print a Worker's Comp Audit Report that lists Hours Worked by each Employee in each Craft category by Week or Month. |
Print a Workers Comp Audit Report to substantiate to the Auditor why you are not paying as much for Workers Comp Insurance as you did before you purchased this accounting software. |
Automatically Reverse a Voided Check, including all applicable changes made to Job Costing, Payroll, and entries made to Cash, Accrual and Deduction Accounts in the General Ledger. |
Print an EEOC Minority Utilization Report. |
Enter Timesheets from more than one terminal at the same time. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Select a Pre-defined Chart of Accounts. |
Create a Custom Chart of Accounts. |
Work in a new Fiscal Period without closing the old one. |
Have an unlimited number of Fiscal Periods open at the same time. |
Print General Ledger Detail for any Fiscal Period. |
Enter transactions to Prior Months and print new Financial Statements for each succeeding month without performing a special Month-end Closing Ritual. |
Print a Trial Balance in Summary or Detail. |
Print a Balance Sheet and Income Statement for any past Fiscal Period. |
Start doing next year's accounting before "closing" the Prior Year. |
Run more than one Company on the software. |
Use Completed Contract and/or Percentage of Completion methods of tax reporting. |
Define many different kinds of Journals. |
Print a total system Check Register which flags Out-of-Sequence Checks or Missing checks. |
Do a Bank Reconciliation on each of your Checking Accounts. |
Track all Journal Entries and prevent Unbalanced Entries. |
Look up specific Accounts, Transactions, or Amounts rather than printing long lists of useless data searching for a specific transaction. |
Eliminate the need for Month-End Closings. |
Print projected income, expenses and profitability up to three years into the future. |
Track value of company fixed assets, and automatically create monthly depreciation journal entries. |
Departmentalize by creating a separate profit and loss statement for each department and a consolidated statement for the whole company. |
Create financial statements that include information from multiple companies to create a combined Balance Sheet & Income Statement. |
Enter Budgets for each Income and/or Expense Account in the General Ledger and then print an Analysis comparing Budget to Actual for each month. |
Create Recurring Journal Entries, save, and post them when they are needed. |
Inquire on-screen about any General Ledger Account and see the Current Balance and Ending Balances for Prior Fiscal Periods. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Lookup and select a Vendor or Subcontractor Name by typing the first few characters of the name during Invoice Entry. |
Enter new Vendors or Subcontractors during Invoice Entry without leaving the Entry screen. |
When an Invoice is entered, automatically look up the Terms, Rates, and Due Dates for each Vendor, saving time and reducing errors. |
Print an Open Payables Reports by Job, Vendor, and Discount Date in Detail or Summary. |
Process Hand Written Checks, posting them to the correct Job Phase as easily as regular Invoices. |
Automatically distribute Sales Tax to only those taxable items which appear on an Invoice. |
Print 1099 forms. |
Print an Accounts Payable Trial Balance each month. |
Print Checks with Multiple Payees. |
Choose from a wide selection of Check Formats. |
Purchase Checks and Invoices from Discount Mail Order Houses. |
Hand pay or Partially Pay an Invoice. |
Distribute Invoices to many Jobs and Cost Codes in a single Entry. |
Warnings about duplicated Invoices and Billed Amounts. |
Post Invoices to prior months. |
Print a Cash Flow Summary Report with a Cash Requirements Analysis for the next 120 days, based on Discount Date, Due Date or with Float (allowable slowness). |
Select Invoices for Payment based on Job, Vendor, Due Date, Discount Date, Material Type, and/or Specific Invoice. |
The Check Stub includes a complete Payment History, Backcharges, Retention, and Change Orders on a Subcontract. |
Print a Detailed Subcontract Status Report showing all activity including Change Orders. |
Review the Subcontract Status on the Screen. |
Track Worker's Comp Expiration Dates on Subcontractors and receive warnings when their coverage expires. |
Warnings about potential Subcontractor Overpayments. |
Print Subcontract Management Reports, including Current and Original Contact, all Billings, Retention, and Backcharges, by Job in Detail or Summary. |
Print a Change Order Detail Report with Change Order Number, Amount, and Date. |
Warnings when a Subcontractor Billing exceeds the Contract Amount or Discounts and Due Dates are past. |
Automatically scan for Duplicated Invoice Numbers and receive a Warning during Invoice Entry. |
Automatically reverse an Accounts Payable check, restoring it to its status Prior to being paid. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Define custom Aging Periods, such as 45, 90, 120 days. |
Customize Invoice Formats. |
Automatically place Job Billings on the Job Cost Summary. |
Lookup and select a customer name by typing the first few letters of the customer name during Invoice Entry. |
Show actual Receipts and Billings-to-Date on Job Cost Summaries. |
Enter New Customers during Invoice Entry (On the Fly). |
Type custom messages and comments during Invoice Entry that will show up on the printed Invoice. |
Up to 200 Line-items on each Invoice. |
Use handwritten Invoices as well as those created by the system. |
Choose between billing on a Balance Forward or Open Item Method on a Customer by Customer basis. |
Create Progress Billings. |
Handle Retention and other items in the Progress Billings System. |
Enter Progress Billings calculated by % of Completion or Actual Dollar Amount. |
View Contract Amount, Total Change Orders to Date, Previous Billings, and Retention at the time of Progress Billing Entry. |
Automatically create a Billing from Job Costs. |
Enter Repeating Invoices which may be posted monthly to save time & effort. |
Put Journal Entries into a Repeating Batch and Post whenever desired. |
Item Price File which looks up items, making Billings more automated and accurate. |
Create and Select from several different Price Levels. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Track telephone, mail, & email communications with an unlimited number of contacts. |
Create & send form letters & broadcast faxes |
Create groups of contacts by picking a list or creating a filter. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Create and track customer price quotes, pulling pricing information from the Item Price File. |
Create Sales Orders from scratch or by converting a Price Quote. |
Draw down inventory quantities by fulfilling Sales Order line items. |
Create an AR Invoice by converting a Sales Order to Invoice. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Track on-hand and on-order quantities of each inventory item through purchase orders, payables, & receivables. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Enter and generate standard Purchase Orders. |
Reconcile Purchase Orders with either Invoices or Packing Slips. |
Automatically records Accounts Payable Invoices when the Purchase Order is Reconciled. |
Create Custom Purchase Order formats. |
Track Committed Costs. |
Receive a Warning during Data Entry if items entered will create an Over Budget situation. |
Receive a Warning during Data Entry if Over Committed amounts are received from the Invoice or Packing Slip. |
Store Purchase price information in the Item Price File. Each Vendor can be assigned own price for each item. |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Track Actual Costs on each piece of Equipment. |
Apply charges for use of Equipment at estimated Hourly Rates to each Job. |
Track Rental Income on Rental Equipment. |
Retain information on Equipment Description, Licensing Information, Location, Usage, and Billing Rates. |
Track an unlimited number of Cost Items for each piece of Equipment, such as Maintenance, Fuel, Oil, Tires, etc.. |
Create Customized Equipment Cost Descriptions. |
Print an Analysis Report to determine if proper Usage Rates are being charged. |
Automatically update Job Costs by charging for the use of each piece of Equipment on each Job while crediting each piece of Equipment with Income generated by such use. |
Unlimited number of Usage Log processing batches . |
Limit 2 |
Limit 5 |
Small Builder Advantage |
Standard |
Preferred |
Create custom reports from scratch using formulas and functions used in popular spreadsheets and databases. |
Alter existing (preformatted) reports using formulas and functions used in popular spreadsheets and databases. |
Using FormMaker, alter existing (preformatted) forms such as purchase orders, invoices, statements, check formats, etc. |