Payroll Deduction Report

The Deduction report displays deduction amounts by employee for any user-specified range of dates. This is especially useful for reporting 401k amounts at year end. Select Deduction Report from the Payroll Reports Menu and the following screen will come into view.

Add or Change (button)

Press the Add or Change button to add or modify a Deduction Report. For more information, see Adding or Changing a Deduction Report.

Delete (button)

Press the Delete button and the following screen comes into view. Press the Yes button and the highlighted record will be deleted and the previous screen comes into view. If the No button is pressed, the program returns to the previous screen.

Print (button)

To print a report, press the Print button. For more information, see Printing Reports.

Note: If the message "Nothing to Print" comes into view when the Print button is pressed, there are two main causes:
 A. There is no information within the selected limits. Remove all limits, then, one at a time, reAdd the limits. If the report still will not print, Add a new report title.
 B. No report title is selected. The report title is used to store the selected limits. A report title must be selected in order for the report to print.

Close (button)

This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.

Help (button)

see How to use Help

Adding or Changing a Deduction Report

Pressing the Add or Change button will bring the following screen into view. This screen displays the possible limits that may be set. At the very least, one deduction must be selected for printing. Several limits may be set to narrow the list down to a very small range of deductions.

Report Type

Report for a Single Deduction (radio button)

Select this option to choose one standard deduction to be included on the report.

Enter or look up the desired standard deduction number.

Combine Multiple Deductions (radio button)

The report can be printed for one or more deductions. If multiple deductions are selected, each line item on the report will display the combined total of deducted amounts for all the included deductions. If a report is needed for each deduction, create more than one report limit. If Combine Multiple Deductions is selected, the following prompts will appear:

Fill the list as many deductions as desired.

Export 401k Audit Information (radio button)

This option will cause the program to create an export file containing all the information necessary for a 401k audit.

Loan Repayment Deduction

If employees take loans against their 401k, enter the number of the deduction used for repayment of those loans.

Non Participant Fringe Table

Even if an employee does not take part in the 401k deduction program, the employer may accrue some 401k funds on their behalf using a Union Fringe Benefit. If this is the case, enter the appropriate fringe benefit table number here.

Plan Number

Enter the 401k savings plan number here.

File to be Exported

Provide a path and filename for the file to be exported.

When the Save and Print button is pressed, a the system will NOT generate a standard Report Preview window, but will instead display this window:

In the list box is all the information that will be contained in the export file. Use the scroll bar at the bottom to scroll to the right and see all the figures. Click the Export button to generate the file.

Employee Names

Use this section to limit the report by employee. Use the Range setting to set a range of employee numbers. Use the List setting to specify a list of employees to be included.

All, Range, List (radio buttons)

Select the All radio button to ignore Employee reporting limits. Select Range to enter a range of Employees in the From and To fields. Select List to report on a list of selected Employees.


Selects the first employee in a range of employees or a single employee. To select a limited number of employees, enter the first employee's ID number or name in the range of numbers or press the lookup button and the Employees screen will come into view. Highlight the desired employee and press the Select button.


Selects the last employee in a range of employees or a single employee. To select a limited number of employees, enter the last employee's ID number or name in the range of numbers or press the lookup button and the Employees screen will come into view. Highlight the desired employee and press the Select button.

Edit Employee List (button)

Click the Edit Employee List button to add or remove Employees from the list of Employees to be included in the report. The following screen will come into view.

Retrieve a Saved List / Save This List for Future Use (buttons)

Use these buttons to save the current list of included records for future use, or to retrieve a previously saved list. See Saved Report Limit Lists for more details.

Available Records

All Available Employees that are not included in the list are displayed in these columns.

Included Records

All Included Employees are listed in these columns. Use the arrows to move selected records or all records between the Available and Included areas.

Include Inactive Employees (check box)

If this box is not checked, all inactive employees will be excluded from the report. Employees that have been laid off or terminated may be marked as inactive in their employee records. For information on changing the status of an employee, see the Personal Tab in Employees. The main purpose of this flag is so that these employees may be excluded and thus avoid cluttering reports with information about employees who are not currently working.

Include Executive Employees (check box)

Select this box to include Executive Employees on the Employee Listings.

Include Employees with No Deduction (check box)

Check this box to include Employees who either do not have the specified deduction(s) set up, or have not had any amounts deducted during the specified date range.


This section allows the user to limit the report to any year, any quarter of any year, or any range of pay period end dates or check dates. Make the desired selection.

Print Order

The Commission Report may be ordered either alphabetically by last name, or in numerical order according to employee numbers.

By Employee Name (radio button)

This option lists all the employees in alphabetical order by the employee's last name and affects the Employee entry fields.

By Employee ID (radio button)

This option lists all the employees in numerical order by Employee ID number and affects the Employee entry fields.

Report Settings

Calculate Qualifying Wages (check box)

Check this box and the report will calculate how much of the employee's pay was subject to the selected deduction(s). Caution: Checking this box will greatly increase the amount of time required to generate the report.

User Defined Field for Report Note (drop-down list)

Indicate which User Defined field from the Employee Record will be used to fill the last column of the report titled "Notes." This could be used to explain why the employee did not have any amounts deducted during the specified period. For example, "Employee Not Enrolled in Plan."

Save and Print (button)

Click this button to save the current settings and print the report immediately, without having to return to the Report Title browse window.

Report Definition  


The Employee name is displayed in this column.


The Employee's Social Security Number is displayed here.

Birth Date

The Employee's Birth Date is displayed in this column.

Hire Date

The Employee's original Hire Date is displayed in this column.

Termination Date

The Employee's Termination Date (if any) is displayed in this column.

Qualifying Wages

If the box was checked to include this column, it will display the total wages from timesheets that qualified for the calculation of this deduction.

Gross Wages

This column displays the Employee's total gross wages for the selected period.

Employee Deduction

This is the total amount deducted from the employee during the selected period.

Employer Match

This is the total amount matched by the employer during the selected period.

Hours Worked

This is the total amount of hours worked by the employee during the selected period.


This field is filled from one of the User Defined fields in the Employee file.


Portrait (radio button)

Specifies how the report is positioned on the page when printed. Portrait is the standard. Portrait is printed vertically.

Landscape (radio button)

Specifies how the report is positioned on the page when printed. Landscape is printed horizontally.

Report Sample