How to Use Help

There are four ways to get to help:

1. Press the Help Button.
 2. Press the F1 Key.
 3. Select Search for Help On... from the Help menu at the top of the screen.
 4. Click on the yellow Question Mark Icon located at the top of the screen.

Help Button

Help will automatically open to the current topic; that is the topic which corresponds to the current system operation.

F1 Key

Press the F1 Key and the Help Contents page comes into view.

Search for Help On...

Select Search for Help On... from the Help menu and the following screen will come into view. The Search tab will be open as default.

Question Mark Icon

Click on the red Question Mark in the icon bar at the top of the screen and the Help Contents page comes into view.

Contents (tab)

To see a list of topics, click the Contents tab and the following screen will come into view.

The topics are displayed in alphabetical order in 'books'. These books are similar to a table of contents. One book holds all the topics for one subject.

Click on a book then Click the Open button or double click and the book will open. All topics contained in this book will be listed.

Click on a Topic then Click the Display button or double click on the topic. (The Display button will appear in place of the Open button once a book has been opened and a topic highlighted.) The topic will be displayed.

Index (tab)

Press the Index button at the top of any Help Topic page. The following screen will come into view.

To see a list of topics, either type a word in the first field or scroll through the list and click on an Index Entry.

Search (tab)

Click the Search tab to search for words or phrases that may be contained in a Help topic. Type the desired word(s) in the blank field and Help will automatically begin looking up topics that contain the searched word(s). Select a topic and click on it to see the full text of instructions. All searched words will be highlighted when a topic displayed.


Type in the keyword you wish to find and click the List Topics button. Any topics containing your keywords will be displayed in the box below. Double click on the topic you wish to view, and the topic will be displayed on the right.

When the cursor changes from an arrowhead to a hand:

This is an area that is linked to another area. When the cursor is a hand and is clicked, the help file takes the user somewhere else. Notice how this works with tabs on the screens. Sometimes it is a whole different topic, other times it is someplace else in the same topic.

Favorites (tab)

To return to a specific topic often, click on the Favorites tab and add the current topic to the list of favorites.