Contact Manager: Communicate with Groups

Although this menu option is found under the Contact Manager menu, the Communicate with Groups function can be used for any of the databases in the system, including Contacts, Employees, Customers and Vendors. Any number of records can be combined to form a group. Once a group has been formed, broadcast emails or form letters can be sent to the group.

To access the program, select Communicate with Groups from the Contact Manager menu. The following window comes into view:

On the left is a list of all the currently defined groups. On the right is a list of all the database records that are members of the highlighted group. If the group was constructed using a filter, that filter is displayed just below the list of records. The count of all records in the highlighted group is displayed at the bottom left.

To Add or Change group information, click on Add or Change and the following window will come into view:

Group Name

Provide a descriptive name for the group.

Database Selector

Choose from Contacts, Employees, Customers or Vendors. All four contact databases are available for creating groups.

Method for Defining Group Members

Select which method should be used for defining group members. The ‘Select Group Members Manually’ method is great for creating a static list of contacts. The ‘Build a Filter’ method is more dynamic. The membership in the group can change automatically due to modifications in the database information or the passage of time.

Select Group Members Manually (Radio Button)

In order to add members to a group manually, simply choose the desired database (Contact, Employee, Customer, or Vendor), then highlight a desired record in the ‘Available Records’ list box and either click on the Add button or drag the record and drop it in the ‘Group Members’ list box. To remove a record from the group, reverse the process. Group members added to this type of group will stay there permanently, or until they are removed manually.

Build a Filter (Radio Button)

If this option is selected, the screen will be modified and look like the following:

Use this screen to create a filter that will be applied to each database record. If the record passes the filter test, it is part of the group. The filter is very flexible. Follow these instructions for creating the filter.

The filter process requires the completion of a formula that can include Field Names, Arithmetic Operators/Calculator Pad, Functions, and Constants. The filter standards and formats in this program are the same as those used in most spread sheets.

Fields (List Box)

To select a Field Name, double click on it and it will appear in the filter definition at the bottom of the window.

Arithmetic Operators/Calculator Pad

To add an arithmetic function or a number to the filter, click on the Calculator Pad. The keys of the Number Pad correspond to the functions in common spread sheets such as Microsoft Excel.

Functions (List Box)

These Functions are available for the Filtering process (explained later), so not all of the Functions may be appropriate for Calculated Fields. Click once on any of the Functions and the symbol for that function will appear beneath the Functions Column. (Click twice and the Function will appear in the Formula area at the bottom of the screen.) If the Function requires a formatted formula, the format of that formula will appear beneath the Functions Column, ready to be completed. Note that all fields must have brackets, such as in "{Field Name}" surrounding the name of the field. A complete list of the Functions and their formats follow:

Abs will show up in the formula as Absolute Value - ABS(field)

Action: Prints the absolute value of a number, the value of a number when its sign (plus or minus) is removed.
 Example: ABS({Cost Variance}) [Prints the value of "5,000" for positive or negative 5,000 Cost Variances]
 Also see: Int or Round


Action: Selects records with a dual condition, first condition AND second condition.
 Example: {Received to Date} > 5000 and {Cost Code Description} contains "concrete" [Selects records where the amount Received to Date is greater than 5,000 AND the Cost Code Description contains the word "concrete" anywhere in it] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see not, List, or or


Action: Selects records with certain text anywhere within a text field.
 Example with a text field: {Cost Code Description} contains "concrete" [Selects records where the Cost Description Description contains the word "concrete" anywhere in it] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see is equal to

Day will show up as DAY(date field)

Action: Prints only the "day" of a date.
 Example: DAY({Transaction Date}) [Prints "22" when the date is 11/22/98]
 Also see Month , Year, or Today

Int will show up in the formula as Integer of - INT(field)

Action: Prints the amount to the left of the decimal of any positive number, ignoring the decimal or bumping negative numbers up to the next integer
 Example: INT({Amount}) [Prints "1,500.00" when the number is 1500.99]
 Example: INT({Amount}) [Prints "15.00" when the number is -14.59]
 Also see Abs or Round

is equal to (will show in the formula up as = )

Action: Selects records with a value equal to a defined amount or a second field.
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} = 5000 [Selects records where the amount Received to Date is 5,000]
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} = {Cost to Date} [Selects records where the amount Received to Date equals the amount of Cost to Date]
 Example with a date field: {Transaction Date} = DATE(11, 22, 98) [Selects records where the date is November 22, 1998]
 Example with a text field: {Workers Comp Craft Code} = "A" [Selects records where the Workers Craft Code is an A] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see contains, is greater than, or is less than.

is greater than (will show up in the formula as > )

Action: Selects records with a value greater than a defined amount or greater than a second field.
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} > 5000 [Selects records with a value over 5,000]
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} > {Cost to Date} [Selects records where Received to Date has a value greater than Cost to Date]
 Example with a date field: {Transaction Date} > DATE(11, 22, 98) [Selects records where the date is after November 22, 1998]
 Example with a text field: {Workers Comp Craft Code} > "R" [Selects records where Workers Comp Craft Code is greater than the letter R] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see contains, is equal to, or is less than

is less than (will show up in the formula as < )

Action: Selects records with a value less than a defined amount or less than a second field.
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} < 5000 [Selects records with a value less than 5,000]
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} < {Cost to Date} [Selects records where Received to Date is less than Cost to Date]
 Example with a date field: {Transaction Date} < DATE(11, 22, 98) [Selects records where the date is before November 22, 1998]
 Example with a text field: {Workers Comp Craft Code} < "M" [Selects records where the Workers Comp Craft Code is "A" to "L". Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see contains, is equal to, or is greater than

Left will show up in the formula as LEFT(field, characters)

Action: Selects records where the specified number of left characters in a field meet a condition.
 Example with a text field: LEFT({Workers Comp Craft Code},1) = "F" [Selects records where the first character of the Workers Comp Craft Code is "F"]
Example with a text field: LEFT({Workers Comp Craft Code},3) = "FRA" [Selects records where the first three characters of the Workers Comp Craft Code is "FRA"] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see Right or Mid

Length will show up in the formula as Length - LEN(field)

Action: Prints a value, which is the number of characters in a text field.
 Example: LEN({Subcontractor Name}) [Prints the number "16" when the name is "Plumber's Helper"]
 Also see Left, Right or Mid

List will show up in the formula as LIST(field,"value","value", "value")

Action: Selects records with more than one possible value. This is a variation on the OR condition, useful when there are more than two values being considered.
 Example: LIST({Job Number}, 101, 108, 745) [Selects records where the Job Number is 101 OR 108 OR 745]
 Also see and or or

Lower will show up in the formula as Lower Case -LOWER(field)

Action: Converts text in a selected field to all Lower Case letters.
 Example: :LOWER({Subcontractor Name}) [Prints "plumber's helper" when the name is "Plumber's Helper"]
 Also see Upper

Mid will show up in the formula as MID(field, start,(characters))

Action: Selects records where a specified number of characters in the middle of a field meet a condition.
The location of the character(s) or the starting place is number of characters from the left side of the field.
 The number of characters to be evaluated, including the starting character, is referred to as "characters".
 Example: MID({Cost Code Description}, 4, 2) = "LE" looks at the 4th and 5th letters (or characters) in the Cost Code Description field. (It starts at the 4th character and includes two characters.) [Selects records where the 4th character is "L" and the 5th character is "E" in the Cost Code Description field, such as in the word "SEALER"] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.

Month will show up in the formula as MONTH(date field)

Action: Prints only the "month" of a date.
 Example: MONTH({Transaction Date}) [Prints "11" when the date is 11/22/98]
 Also see Day, Year or Today


Action: Selects records that do not meet a defined condition.
 Example with a numeric field: {Received to Date} not = 5000 [Selects records where the amount Received to Date is not 5,000]
 Example with a text field: {Workers Comp Craft Code} not = "R" [Selects records where the Workers Comp Craft Code is not "R"} Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see and, List, or or


Action: Selects records with a dual condition, first condition OR second condition.
 Example: {Received to Date} > 5000 or {Cost Code Description} contains "concrete" [Selects records where the amount Received to Date is greater than 5,000 OR the Cost Code Description contains the word "concrete" anywhere in it] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see and, List, or not

Right will show up in the formula as RIGHT(field, characters)

Action: Selects records where the specified number of right characters in a field meet a condition.
 Example with a text field: RIGHT({Workers Comp Craft Code},1) = "X" [Selects records where the last character of the Workers Comp Craft Code is "X"] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Example with a text field: RIGHT({Workers Comp Craft Code},3) = "ERS" [Selects records where the last three characters of the Workers Comp Craft Code is "ERS"] Note: Text must be enclosed with quotation marks.
 Also see Left or Mid

Round will show up in the formula as ROUND(field,places)

Action: Prints the rounded amount of a number, to a selected place.
 Example: ROUND({Amount, .01}) [Prints "7.56" when the number is 7.5627]
 Example: ROUND({Amount, .1}) [Prints "5,647.60" when the number is 5,647.56]
 Example: ROUND({Amount, 1}) [Prints "5,648.00" when the number is 5,647.56]
 Example: ROUND({Amount, 10}) [Prints "5,650.00" when the number is 5,647.56]
 Example: ROUND({Amount, 100}) [Prints "5,600.00" when the number is 5,647.56]
 Example: ROUND({Amount, 1000}) [Prints "6,000.00" when the number is 5,647.56]
 Also see: Abs or Int

Upper will show up in the formula as Upper Case - UPPER(field)

Action: Converts text in a selected field to all Upper Case letters.
 Example: UPPER({Subcontractor Name}) [Prints "PLUMBER'S HELPER" when the name is "Plumber's Helper"]
 Also see Lower

Year will show up in the formula as YEAR(date field)

Action: Prints only the "year" of a date.
 Example: YEAR({Transaction Date}) [Prints "1998" when the date is 11/22/98]
 Also see Day, Month or Today

Constants (List Box)

The Constants are also shared with the Filtering process, so not all of the Constants may be appropriate for Calculated Fields. Click once on any of the Constants and an explanation of that Constant will appear beneath the Constants Column. (Click twice and the Constant will appear in the Formula area at the bottom of the screen in its proper format, ready to be completed.) A complete list of the Constants and their formats follow:

CCL is Cost Code Length

Example: CCL will print "6" when length of the Cost Code is 6.

CCMethod means Completed Cost Method

Example: CCMethod will print "1" when the Estimated Completed Cost Method is set up as "Computer Calculates by Percent Complete".
 Example: CCMethod will print "2" when the Estimated Completed Cost Method is set up as "User Enter Final Completion Cost".
 Example: CCMethod will print "3" when the Estimated Completed Cost Method is set up as "User Enters Additional Cost to Complete".

CurFP means Current Fiscal Period

Example: CurFP will select records with the Current Fiscal Period
 Example: (CurFP - 1) will select records with a Fiscal Period which is 1 fiscal period less than the Current Fiscal Period.

CurEarn means Current Earning Account

Prints the GL Account Number assigned to Current Earnings.
 Example: CurEarn will print the "39999" if the GL Account Number of the Current Earnings Account is set up as 39999.

DepSeg means GL Account Department Segment

Prints the number of digits in the Department Segment of the GL Account Number.
 Example: DepSeg{GL Account} will print "2" if the number of digits set up in Department Segment of GL Accounts is set up as 2.

JNL means Job Number Length

Prints the number of digits in the Job Number Field.
 Example: JNL will print "7" if the length of the Job Number is 7.

MAcct means Missing Accounts

Prints the GL Account Number assigned to Missing Accounts.
 Example: MAcct will print "99999" if GL Account Number for Missing Accounts Account is set up as 99999.

RetEarn is Retained Earnings Account

Prints the GL Account Number assigned to Retained Earnings.
 Example: RetEarn will print "39000" if the GL Account Number of the Retained Earnings Account is set up as 39000.

Seg1 means GL Account Segment 1 Digits

Prints the number of digits set up in the First Segment of the GL Account Numbering System.
 Example: Seg1{GL Account} will print "5" if the number of digits set up in First Segment of GL Accounts is set up as 5.

Also see Seg2 or Seg3

Seg2 means GL Account Segment 2 Digits

Prints the number of digits set up in the Second Segment of the GL Account Numbering System.
 Example: Seg2{GL Account} will print "2" if the number of digits set up in Second Segment of GL Accounts is set up as 2.
 Also see Seg1 or Seg3

Seg3 means GL Account Segment 3 Digits

Prints the number of digits set up in the Third Segment of the GL Account Numbering System.
 Example: Seg3{GL Account} will print "3" if the number of digits set up in Third Segment of GL Accounts is set up as 3
 Also see Seg1 or Seg2.

Today means Today's Date

Prints Today's Date.
 Example: Today will print "11/22/08" when today's date is November 22, 2008.
 Example: Today + 1 will print "11/23/08" when today's date is November 22, 2008.
 Also see Day, Month or Year.

Once the filter has been created, or the desired records have been added to the group list, click on the OK button to save the group. The group will now be displayed on the browse window, with its group members displayed in the list box on the right.

Print Form Letter (button)

Clicking on this button will allow a form letter to be selected from the list of stored letters. Select an existing letter or create a new one and it will be printed for this every member of the highlighted group.


Print Envelopes (button)

Clicking on this button will allow envelopes to be printed for the highlighted group.


Broadcast Email (button)

Clicking on this button will allow an email message to be selected from the list of stored messages. Select an existing message or create a new one and it will be sent to every member of the highlighted group who has a valid email address.