Printing Envelopes and Labels

Throughout the program, addresses can be entered for Customers, Vendors, Employees etc. Wherever an address can be entered, a button is supplied for printing a one-time Envelope or Mailing Label with the displayed address. When the Print Envelope/Label button is pressed, the following window will come into view.

The user can define and save any number of envelope or label layouts. Use this screen to add or change a layout or to print the highlighted layout.

Add (button)

Click the Add button to create a new layout. The following prompt will appear.

Select whether the new layout will be an envelope or a label.


If an envelope layout is selected, the following window will be displayed.

Use this window to design the envelope layout.

Envelope Title

Supply a title for this layout.

Envelope Size (drop-down list)

Select from a list of pre-defined envelope sizes. The following list will be displayed.

The size selected will determine the placement of the address block on the printed envelope.

Force Paper Size Match (check box)

If this box is checked, the program will change the target paper size to match the dimensions of the selected envelope. If the box is not checked, the user will be responsible for indicating the printing position at the lower right hand corner of the window.

Print in ALL CAPS (check box)

If this box is checked, the main address and the return address will be changed to ALL CAPS.

Return Address

Return Address (check box)

If the company return address is to be printed on the envelope, check this box.

Return Address Font (button)

Clicking this button will display a Windows standard font dialog box. Indicate the desired font style, size, and color for the return address.

Include Logo (check box)

Check this box if a company logo is to be printed as part of the return address. If the box is checked, the following controls will be displayed.

Select Logo File (button)

Click this button to select the company logo. A Windows standard file lookup dialog box will appear. When a valid image file is selected, it will be displayed in the preview panel.

Logo Size (scroll box)

Indicate the size for the printed logo. As the size is changed, the size of the logo will change in the preview panel.

Main Address

Include Contact Name (check box)

Check this box if the contact name is to be included in the main address. This only applies if a contact name is available for the selected address.

Last Name First (employees) (check box)

If this box is checked, then labels printed for Employees will be printed with the employee last name first.

Address Font (button)

Clicking this button will display a Windows standard font dialog box. Indicate the desired font style, size, and color for the main address.

Printing Position

Since different printers will handle envelope printing in different ways, the envelope will be printed as though a full sheet of 8 1/2 by 11 paper was inserted in the printer. Select the printing position that causes the envelope to be printed properly on the destination printer. This may take some trial and error, but once the correct setting is found it will be saved for printing other envelopes in the future.


If a label layout is selected, the following window will be displayed.

Use this window to design the label layout.

Label Title

Supply a title for this layout.

Label Type (drop-down list)

Select from a list of pre-defined label sizes. The following list will be displayed.

The type selected will determine the placement of the label address block on the printed page.

Label Preview

This section of the window shows a preview of what the printed label will look like.

Label Options


Enter the width of the printed label in inches (only available on Custom labels).


Enter the height of the printed label in inches (only available on Custom labels).

Change Font (button)

Clicking this button will display a Windows standard font dialog box. Indicate the desired font style, size, and color for the main address.

Include Contact Name (check box)

Check this box if the contact name is to be included in the main address. This only applies if a contact name is available for the selected address.

Print using ALL CAPS (check box)

Check this box to print the labels in ALL CAPS.

Print Last Name First (employees) (check box)

If this box is checked, then labels printed for Employees will be printed with the employee last name first.

Printing Position

If the Custom Label Type is selected, the Printing Position section will look like this:

The label will be printed as though a full sheet of 8 1/2 by 11 paper was inserted in the printer. The gray graphic represents the paper, while the white box represents the placement of the label on the paper. As the settings are changed, the graphic will be altered accordingly.

Left/Center/Right (radio buttons)

Indicate whether the label will be printed against the left or right margin or centered on the page.


Enter the size of the top, left and right margins in inches.

Select the printing position that causes the label to be printed properly on the destination printer. This may take some trial and error, but once the correct setting is found it will of course be saved for printing other labels in the future. In the example above, the next label will be printed in the center of the page, 2 1/2" from the top of the page.

If a pre-programmed label type is selected, the Printing Position section will look like this:

This shows all the possible positions for the labels on the page, and allows the user to pick one or more positions where the label should be printed by clicking on the appropriate position marker.