File Cabinet
Throughout the entire accounting system, disk files and notes can be attached to all kinds of different records. These records include Employee, Vendor and Customer records, as well as transaction records such as AR and AP Invoices, Timesheets, Purchase Orders and so on. All of these attachments and notes are accessible through their original record entry screen. For example, files and notes attached to Customer (6) Pleasant City Chamber of Commerce can be reviewed by opening the customer record through the Accounts Receivable menu.
All of these attachments and notes together constitute a compilation of documents that can be likened to a physical filing cabinet. Each group of accounting records might represent a drawer in the filing cabinet. For example, there might be a drawer for all Vendor records and a drawer for all Employee records. Inside each drawer is a collection of alphabetized file folders, one for each record. Each folder stores documents unique to that vendor or employee. These documents, or attachments, can be attached in the native entry window. For example, attachments can be added to an employee record while editing that employee record through the payroll menu. Alternatively, attachments can be added to the record in this screen either by clicking the Add button or by Dragging from Windows Explorer.
The File Cabinet module in the accounting system is designed to follow this simple formula. When File Cabinet is selected from the main menu, the following window is brought into view:
This is a list of all the available databases or "file drawers". Each database is represented by a green folder icon . When this database is expanded, a list of all the entries in the database will be displayed with each database record represented by a yellow folder icon . If the database record has any attachments or notes, it will be represented by a filled folder icon .
Some databases, like the equipment file shown above, have very few records. For databases with many records, the interface will be slightly different. A large vendor file might appear like so:
Here the vendors are broken down into alphabetic folders so a specific vendor can be located easily. The system will determine at run time which type of menu is appropriate for each database using this formula. If there are fewer than 50 records, all records will be displayed off the root menu, like equipment database in the first screen shot. If there are more than 50 but fewer than 200, separate folders will be available for letters A-F, G-L, M-R, and S-Z. If there are more than 200 records, there will be a folder for each letter of the alphabet as is the case with the vendor database in the screen shot above.
NOTE: If the operator prefers to not have large databases broken up into many alphabetic "file drawers," this setting may be changed by pressing the Settings button.
Show Records with No Attachments (check box)
Check this box and the Database List will be rebuilt showing only records which have attachments.
Show Inactive Records (check box)
Check this box and the Database List will be rebuilt excluding inactive employees, vendors, customers, etc.
Show Terminated Employees (check box)
Check this box and the Database List will be rebuilt excluding terminated employees.
Check this box and the Database List will be rebuilt excluding closed jobs.
View Record / Change Record (button)
This button is situated directly below the Database List. The label will be either View Record or Change Record depending on the user preference set using the Settings button. Click this button and the highlighted record will be opened in its original Entry form. If the button is titled View Record, the record can only be viewed and no changes can be made. If the button is titled Change Record, the record can be changed and the changes saved by clicking the OK button on the entry window.
Use these buttons to tag or untag attachments for emailing using the email button below.
Clilcking this button will cause the system to create an email message with all the tagged attachments attached to the email.
Attachments (display panel and list box)
The list box at the bottom will include a list of all notes and attachments belonging to the database record highlighted in the Database List. The panel at the top displays a representation of the highlighted attachment. This will be either an image preview, the body of the note, or an otherwise descriptive icon.
Adding Attachments by Dragging from Windows Explorer
Any disk file can be attached to the highlighted database item. A file can be attached either by clicking the Add button or by dragging the file from Windows Explorer and dropping it on the Attachments List Box. Multiple attachments can be added at the same time by multi-selecting in Windows Explorer and dragging into this window.
Use these buttons to add or delete a new attachment or note for the highlighted database record. For more help with adding or changing an attachment, see the Attachments help topic. For more help with adding or changing a note, see the Notes help topic.
Click this button to change the settings for viewing the File Cabinet entries. The following window will appear:
Access to Source Record
Use these radio buttons to determine what type of access the user has to original database records from the File Cabinet window. Depending on the option selected here, the button directly below the Database List will be titled View Record or Change Record, or it will be hidden from view.
Include Employee, Equipment & Item Photographs (check box)
Employee, Equipment and Item records contain an additional attachment type, which is a photograph of the Employee, Equipment or Item. Check the box if this photograph is to be included in the attachment list.
Include Notes (check box)
Check this box if Notes are to be included in the attachment list.
Expand Databases when Opening File Cabinet (check box)
If this box is checked, the File Cabinet window will open with all file drawers initially expanded.
Database Sorting
Use these radio buttons to indicate the desired sort method for the different databases in the file cabinet.
By default, records in very large databases are broken down into alphabetic folders so a specific record can be located easily. These settings let the user specify which type of menu is appropriate for large databases. Two cutoff points can be set. In the example of Level 1 being set to 50 and Level 2 being set to 200, here is the formula: If there are fewer than 50 records, all records will be displayed off the root menu. If there are more than 50 but fewer than 200, separate folders will be available for letters A-F, G-L, M-R, and S-Z. If there are more than 200 records, there will be a folder for each letter of the alphabet.
Create Sub-Folders for Large Databases (button)
If this box is unchecked, all databases, no matter how large, will be displayed with all records in one folder. If the box is checked, the system will use the two cutoff levels to create subfolders as described above.
Defaults (button)
Click this button to restore all settings to factory default.
Personal Folder
The folder at the bottom of the Database List is called the Personal Folder. When this folder is expanded, a folder labeled with the user's name is displayed. Here the current user can add any attachments or notes that pertain only to that user and are accessible only when that user is logged into the system.
Opening an Attachment Directly from the Preview Panel
Bitmap images (files with a .bmp, .gif, or .jpg filename extension) and PDF files will be displayed in the preview section of the window. Files of other types can be opened by clicking on the icon representing the image. When the cursor turns to a pointing finger when hovering over the icon in the preview panel, clicking the mouse will cause the attached file to be opened immediately.
Tag/Untag / Tag All / Untag All (buttons)
Use these buttons to tag (place a tick mark next to) the documents you wish to attach to an email, then click the "Send an Email with Attachments" button described below.
Send an Email with Attachments (button)
Use the tagging buttons described above to tag the desired documents, then click this button. An email composition window will appear with all the tagged documents included in the attachment list.