Utilities: Recalculate GL Balances

This option will recalculate the balances of all fiscal periods for all General Ledger accounts. This will ensure that the total of all transactions to a given account during a given period is reflected in the figure stored in the totaling file.

CAUTION: Before any recalculation process, it is recommended that a full backup of data files be made.

When Recalculate GL Balances is chosen from the Utilities Menu, the following screen will come into view.

Time Considerations

General Ledger transaction recalculations can be time consuming. Depending on the size of the transaction file and the speed of the computer, the recalculations process could take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour. Plan accordingly.

When the Proceed button is pressed, the following screen will come into view.

When the Yes button is pressed, the recalculation process will begin immediately. When the recalculation process is complete, the following screen will come into view.

OK (button)

If the Ok button is pressed, the recalculation will be accepted and the main screen will be displayed.

Undo (button)

At the end of the recalculation there is the opportunity to Undo the process. The Undo button restores everything in the program to the state it was in before the Yes button was pressed, and the main screen will be displayed. This option is available until the OK button is pressed. NOTE: Once the OK button is pressed the calculation is finalized and there is no easy method to reverse the calculation.