Workers Compensation Codes
This program is accessed through Codes on the Payroll menu. This program is used to enter W/C (Worker's Comp) Codes and Descriptions. Click on any column header to sort the listed codes.
After all new codes and descriptions have been entered or existing codes have been edited, press the Close button. The program will return to the previous screen.
A Worker’s Comp. ID may be up to eight characters in length. This ID is used by the Payroll module to assign the correct Worker’s Compensation craft code to the proper cost code.
Enter a description of the Worker's Comp. ID.
Highlight the desired record and press the Add button. A new line is available to be edited right in the column. Enter the correct information for W/C Code and press the Tab key on the keyboard. The Description field is now available for editing. Enter the desired changes and/or hit the enter key and the changes will be permanent.
Highlight the desired record and press the Change button. The entry is available for editing right in the column. Enter the correct information for the W/C Code and press the Tab key on the keyboard. This Description field is now available for editing. Enter the desired changes and/or hit the enter key and the changes will be permanent.
Highlight the desired record and press the Delete button. The following screen will come into view. Press the Yes button and the highlighted report will be deleted. If the No button is pressed, the program returns to the previous screen.
This button closes the program and returns to the main screen.
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