Work Flow Menus
Procedures within the system can be accessed in one of three ways. First, they can be accessed via the Accounting drop-down menu at the top of the window. Second, they can be accessed using the Application Menu bar on the left hand side of the window. The third, and newest method is the Work Flow Menu window. Using this window, the operator can create an interactive logical work flow diagram for each accounting module. Tiles are placed on the work flow menu by dragging them from the application menu. They can then be moved around the work flow menu window at will. Relationships between procedures can be represented by drawing connecting lines between tiles. Work flow menus can be customized by each individual.
Turning Work Flow menus on or off
Work Flow Menu access is turned on or off through Setup > Preferences on the Application Menu Style tab. Make sure the box titled Display Work Flow Menu is checked. Once this box is checked, the work flow menu window will be opened every time an application menu icon is pressed, or by clicking the Work Flow Menu button at the bottom of the application menu.
The Work Flow Menu Window
This is the Work Flow Menu window. There is a separate work flow menu for each accounting module. The Accounts Payable window is displayed. In the displayed state, the work flow menu acts as a menu for accessing Accounts Payable procedures. Simply click on any tile and the associated procedure window will be opened.
No changes can be made to the flow diagram when it is in this state.
Making Changes to the Work Flow Menu
In order to modify the work flow menu, the user must enter Diagram Edit mode. This is done in one of two ways, either click the Edit Work Flow Menu button on the bottom of the window, or drag a menu option from the Application Menu and drop it on the Work Flow Menu. In either case, the window state will be changed to Diagram Edit mode and the window will be enlarged to display the following toolbar:
Diagram Edit Toolbar
On the left side of the toolbar is a message box giving instructions for adding tiles to the work flow menu. Adding items is as simple as dragging and dropping. Here is a demonstration. When the application menu is open, the application menu and the work flow menu will appear side by side in this manner:
Adding Tiles
In order to pull menu items from the application menu and add them to the work flow menu, the Application Menu Style must be set to "Permanent" (not "Popup" mode). To change the application menu style, select "Preferences" from the "Setup" menu and go to the Application Menu Style tab.
If the operator is currently using "Popup" mode, and does not wish to change menu modes, the program will compensate. If this is the case, when the "Edit Work Flow Menu" button is pressed, changing to Diagram Edit mode, the system will temporarily switch from "Popup" mode to "Permanent" mode, allowing menu items to be added to the work flow diagram from the permanent application menu.
To add a tile to the work flow diagram, click on a menu item and hold the mouse button down while dragging to the work flow menu. The cursor will change to look like this: . Now drop the tile on the work flow menu by letting go the mouse button. A new tile will appear on the work flow menu with the same description as the menu item.
Adding Menu Tiles from Another Module
There may be times when a menu option from a different module is required. For example, the operator may wish to add an "Enter Purchase Orders" tile to the Accounts Payable work flow menu. To accomplish this, open the Purchase Order menu from the Application Icons on the left. Now click on the "Enter Purchase Orders" menu item and drag it not directly onto the work flow menu, but to the left and drop it on top of the Accounts Payable application menu icon in this manner:
The "Enter Purchase Orders" tile will then be added to the Accounts Payable work flow menu, and the Accounts Payable work flow menu will be displayed.
Moving Tiles
Move tiles around the diagram by clicking and dragging in the same manner described above.
Creating Relationships Between Tiles
A relationship between tiles is represented by a line with an arrow. To create a relationship between two tiles, first select a tile by clicking on the tile. The tile will be displayed with handles at each corner and side, as well as in the middle:
To create a relationship between this tile and another, click on the handle in the center of the tile and drag the cursor until it points at the destination tile. Now let go the mouse button and a relationship arrow will appear:
Now, when either tile is moved around the window, the relationship arrow will be stretched to fit.
Selecting Multiple Tiles
Multiple tiles can be selected at once, making it easier to move a group of tiles around the window. Select multiple tiles one at a time by selecting one tile, then holding down the Ctrl key while selecting another tile. This process can be repeated until all the desired tiles have been selected.
Multiple tiles can also be selected by dragging a selection box to encompass all the desired tiles. First, make sure the program is in Selection mode by clicking the Selection Mode button. When the program is in Selection Mode, the button will appear depressed:
Selection Mode On:
Selection Mode Off:
Now click and drag a selection box around the desired tiles in this manner:
All the tiles within the selection box will now be selected and can be moved by dragging the group.
Send to Back and Bring to Font (buttons)
If two tiles overlap one another, and the operator desires to switch the order in which the tiles are displayed by selecting one of the tiles and clicking either the Send to Back or Bring to Front button.
Aligning tiles
For a more esthetically pleasing diagram, it may be helpful to align tiles with one another either horizontally or vertically. In order to align tiles, first select the tiles to be aligned:
Now click the Align Left button. The tiles are aligned.
Drawing a Bounding Box Around Tiles
Create a group of processes by drawing a bounding box around the group. In order to do this, first turn on Bounding Box mode by clicking the Bounding Box button. Now click and drag to create a white bounding box. The box can be resized by dragging the handles on the sides or corners and moved by dragging. The box will appear to be on top of all the tiles currently on the menu window. Send the box to the back by clicking the Send to Back button.
Deleting Tiles or Arrows
Any highlighted tile or arrow can be deleted by selecting the tile or arrow and clicking the Delete button. Multiple tiles can be deleted by selecting multiple tiles and clicking the delete button. If a tile is deleted, all its relationship arrows are deleted as well.
Other Tile Properties
Tiles, arrows and bounding boxes have many attributes, any of which can be changed by the user. To view or edit the properties of an item, right click on the desired item. The following window will appear:
Menu tiles and bounding boxes are referred to as "Nodes." Using this property box, many attributes of the highlighted node can be edited. Editing the properties of menu tiles is NOT RECOMMENDED. However, editing properties of a bounding box or a connection arrow, referred to as a "Link," is an option. The various properties will not be discussed in this help topic, but experimentation is encouraged.
Saving Changes
Changes made to the current work flow menu will be saved if the OK button is pressed, or if a different application menu item is selected. To abandon the changes made since the work flow menu window was opened, click the Cancel button. Use the undo button to undo the most recent edit. Any changes made and saved are specific to the user. For example, if a Matt, an accounts payable clerk, creates an accounts payable work flow menu that has just the items that he uses, the saved work flow menu will only be available to Matt.
Save as Default (button)
If the operator wishes to make the current work flow menu the company default, he can click the Save as Default button. This will save the current work flow menu as the company default.
Restore Default (button)
Clicking this button will change the current work flow menu to the company default for that accounting module.
Reset All Flow Menus to Factory Presets (button)
Clicking this button will replace the Company Default work flow menus for ALL accounting modules with those provided by A-Systems Corp.