Setup: Company Information

To set or change the company name and address, select Company Information from the Setup menu and the following screen will come into view. The Company name may be changed from this screen or from the Companies screen when first logging on.

When all the information has been entered, press the OK button. To exit out of this program without saving any changes, press the Cancel button.

Company Name

This is the name of the company as it is to appear on reports, etc.

Address line 1

Two lines are allowed for the address. Two lines may come in handy if:
 1) The street address is especially long.
 2) A street address and a P.O. Box are desired.
 3) An individual within the company is specified.
 4) A particular department within the company is specified.

Address line 2

This is the second of the two address lines mentioned above.

City, State,Zip

Enter the City, State and Zip Code.


This is the telephone number of the company. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.


This is the fax number of the company. The program will automatically insert the formatting characters.


This is the phone number for data transfer.

Industry Description

Enter a description of the industry into which this company can be classified. This is specifically for use in printing OSHA forms.

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)

Enter the appropriate SIC for this company. This is specifically for use in printing OSHA forms.

North American Industrial Classification (NAICS)

Enter the appropriate NAICS for this company. This is specifically for use in printing OSHA forms.

View Map of Address (button)

Clicking this button will allow the user to display a map of the address

Source Folder for Attachments

Supply the path to the folder that will normally house files to be used as attachments. This is helpful if there is a centralized folder where scanned images are stored.

Folder for Data Files

The path to the company's Control Files is displayed here. Press the Folder Icon to open Window's Explorer to the Control File location.

Miscellaneous (tab)

When the Miscellaneous tab is clicked, the following will appear:

Data File Backup Options

The system provides a method of backing up and restoring individual data files. For more information, see Making Regular Backups. In this window the user will select the type of backup, either standard or enhanced, that will be used with this company.

Use Standard Backup System (radio button)

Backup information goes on to a floppy disk or a zip disk.

Maximum Number of Backups to store

Enter the number of backups to store on the disk.

Use Enhanced Backup System (radio button)

The Enhanced Backup System sends backup information to a hard drive.

User Activity Log Settings

This setting is used to enable or disable logging of user access and actions in the system. To view the User Activity Log, select "View Activity Log" from the Utilities Menu.

System Password

This option requires that System Password be entered before making any changes. Enter the Password and press Enter.

Do Not Log User Activity (radio button)

Select this option to turn off User Activity Logging.

Log Menu Items Accessed (radio button)

If this option is selected, the system will create a log entry each time a user logs into or out of the system and each time they access any menu option.

Log User Activity in Detail (radio button)

If this option is selected, the system will create a log entry each time a user logs into or out of the system and each time they access any menu option. It will also create a log entry for each record changed or inserted during data entry processes.

Company Specific Title Bar

The company name and optional company logo can be displayed in the title bar at the top of the window. These settings are used to determine how the company name will be displayed.

Use a Company Specific Title Bar (check box)

This option allows the user to customize the main screen to display the company name and a company logo

Background Color (button)

Select the color to be displayed behind the text. When this button is pressed, a color palette will come into view.

Text Attributes (button)

Select the formatting appropriate for the company title, including, font, size, bold, italics, and color.

Include Company Logo (check box)

Check this box to include a logo on the title bar. Use the lookup button(...) button to look up a logo file.

Title Bar Logo with Transparent Background

The logo can have a transparent background like the one pictured below, allowing the gray to white gradient behind to show through. This is accomplished by using a PNG graphic file with a transparent background. If you do use a PNG file, make sure you resize it to the exact size you want BEFORE you select it here. The accounting program can resize JPG and BMP files for you, but has trouble resizing PNG files.

When a company name and logo are selected, the main screen will look like this: