Add or Change a Prevailing Wage Rate

This screen is accessed through the Job Setup screen. It is found on the Certification tab under the Prevailing Wage Rate Table by pressing the Add or Change button.

The Prevailing Wage Rate is the table the system will use for timesheet entry. This table will override the pay rates found in the employee file. To add or change the wage rate, press the Add button or highlight the desired wage rate and press the Change button. The following screen will come into view.

Certified Code

Enter the Certified Code or press the lookup button and the Certified Code screen comes into view. Highlight the desired code and press the Select button.

Labor Class

Enter an optional Certified Payroll Labor Class. This serves to further differentiate the labor when reporting via payroll certification. Currently, this field is only used when exporting payroll certification detail in the AASHTO format on the Certified Payroll Report.

Pay Rates

Regular Rate

Enter the normal rate for regular hours worked on this Certified Craft Code. When timesheet information is entered, the system will assume this rate unless specified differently.

Overtime Rate

This field holds the normal overtime rate for overtime hours worked on this Certified Craft Code. It is used as a default value during timesheet entry. A value may be input to this field by one of two methods. The first is the usual method of simply typing in the desired value. The second method is to enter a decimal value (no units). This value will be multiplied by ten and then multiplied by the regular rate. The result will be the overtime rate. For example: typing .15 <Enter> would result in an overtime rate of one and a half times the regular rate. Typing .2 <Enter> would result in a ‘double time’ overtime rate.

Premium Rate

This field holds the premium rate for premium hours worked on this Certified Craft Code. Whenever an employee works at premium rates, the premium hours may be tracked separately from regular and overtime hours. It is used as a default value during timesheet entry. A value may be input to this field by one of two methods. The first is the usual method of simply typing in the desired value. The second method is to enter a decimal value (no units). This value will be multiplied by ten and then multiplied by the regular rate. The result will be the premium rate. For example: typing .15 <Enter> would result in a premium rate of one and a half times the regular rate. Typing .2 <Enter> would result in a ‘double time’ premium rate.

Fringe Benefits

Union Fringe Benefit Table (radio button)

Select this option to use an existing Union Benefit Rate Table.

Fringe Table Specific to This Job and Craft (radio button)

Select this option to create a new Union Benefit Rate Table specific to this job.

Fringe Table Setup (button)

Press the Fringe Table Setup button and the Adding Fringe Benefits screen comes into view.