Email Payment Notifications

There may be occasions when checks are printed and mailed to vendors, and you wish to notify the vendors via email that a check has been processed and sent. This program will fill that need.

This procedure is run from the Accounts Payable > Payments menu. The following window will appear:

Select the check run for emailing of Payment Notifications. The following window will appear:

This window will allow for sending emails to vendors with either a PDF version of their Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) voucher attached, or a summary of the payment details included in the body of the email. The list box in the center of the window shows all the vendors for whom checks were printed during the check run. The email address of the vendor is displayed. If the email address is missing or invalid, a voucher cannot be emailed to the vendor. If there is a valid email address, a tag can be placed in the first column, indicating that the tagged vendor will receive an email.

Email Properties


By defualt this field will contain the name and email address (if available) of the current user.


A default email subject will be displayed. This can be edited, and will be the subject of all the emails sent.

Send Email (button)

Click this button to send the displayed email messages to the tagged vendors.

List of Vendors (list box)

This box shows an entry for each vendor who was paid during the check run. There is a column for tagging and a second column which may contain an EFT ligthing bolt icon. If the EFT icon is displayed, this means the vendor was paid using EFT, and an EFT voucher will be attached to the email.

Use Short Email Address (check box)

The default for sending emails is to put the contact name and email address both into the email line (e.g. Henry Wilkins <>). Some email programs don't recognize this format. Tick this checkbox to use just the email address (e.g. The list box will then look like this:

Multiple Addressees

The message can be sent to more than one contact at the same time. Double-click on the desired vendor record and the following window will be displayed:

Tag one or more of the listed contacts from the vendor record.

Message for Highlighted Vendor

A custom email message has been created for each. For vendors paid by check, the email message will contain the payment information from the check, including an itemized list of which invoices were paid for. Highlight a vendor in the list box to see their custom message. The message can be edited here or by clicking the Change Highlighted Record button.

Tagging Buttons

Use these button to tag or untag vendors for emailing. Remember that a tag can only be placed on a vendor with a valid email address.

View PDF (button)

Clicking this button will use the default PDF viewing program to open the highlighted vendor's EFT voucher.

Change Highlighted Record (button)

Click this button to edit the Name, Email Address and the email tag of the highlighted vendor.

Edit Vendor Message Template (button)

Click this button to create a template for creating messages automatically. The following window will appear:

Using this window, you can create a very customized email message for each voucher that is to be emailed. Notice that each section of the email can accomodate typed in text as well as Merge Field information. For example, the displayed Trade Invoice Detail section includes text as well as merge fields contained in {curly brackets}. Pull down the Add Merge Field box at the bottom and select a merge field, it will be inserted wherever the cursor currently resides in one of the text boxes. As changes are made, the Sample Message at the right will be modified to show an example message using the template boxes on the left.

Restore Default Message (button)

Click this button to go back to the default message template designed by A-Systems.

When all desired changes have been made, click the OK button. The messages for all the checks in the list box will be modified to match the changes in the template.

Setup Email Server (button

Click this button to change the Email Server Settings.