Accounting MascotAccounting Q&A

What is a ledger folio (LF) and journal folio (JF)?
submitted by apurva


The page number of the journal, where the transaction has been posted, is mentioned in a column known as jounal folio.


Journal folio is a term used in ledgers as a part of ledger statement and is shown as a column on both the debit and credit sides. It's the number at which your transaction is recorded in the journal. On the other hand, ledger folio is a term which is used in the journal, as it's a part of the journal statement, which is whown as a column in the journal statement. It shows where your transactions have been recorded in the books of the ledger.

Anoushka Mustafi

In this column no. of ledger page is written to which the debit and credit aspect of the transaction is posted

Anjali Anand

It's a term which is used in a journal, and it is a part of journal statements which are shown as a column.

Juliet Olorungbeja

Ledger folio is a principal book which comprises a set of accounts, where the transactions are transferred from the journal. The set of real, personal and nominal accounts where account wise description is recorded, is known as ledger folio.


Jf-journal folio-page number of journal entry
Lf-ledger folio-page number of ledger book on which relevent account is appears

Lovely Boy Rohit

Journal folio :- journal folio means The page folio/ number of the journal, where the transaction has been posted is mentioned in a column known as jounal folio.

Ledger Folio :- Ledger folio means the folio of the ledger where the transaction has been posted is mentioned in a column known as ledger folio.

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